the newest *blank* promotes terrorism commercial I've seen.


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
Visit site
apparently owning SUVs helps fund terrorist organizations.

the best part of the ad, is a soccer mom driving around in an SUV saying dead serious into the camera "I helped hijack a plane"

this country is a really good one.
when i was going to the gym today there was a dude on a crate with a bunch of people dressed like cars around him saying that SUV's were osama's best friends.
i think i posted the links to these commercials a bit back. i think the SUV-funds-terrorism commercials are funny, and follow the same stupid logic as the drugs-fund-terrorism ones. both are specious, but while the drug ones are out there, i like to see the SUV ones making people think.
sure SUVs are hell for the environment and traffic, and a general annoyance.....but funding terrorism?

I think I may be somehow helping the axis of evil everytime I take a dump.
I like SUV's. But then again I actually sometimes need offroad capability and do use it occasionally, so I guess I'm not helping Osama as much as some SUV driving soccer mom suburbanite.

Goddamned terrorist bitch.
Originally posted by The Dope
I like SUV's. But then again I actually sometimes need offroad capability and do use it occasionally, so I guess I'm not helping Osama as much as some SUV driving soccer mom suburbanite.

Goddamned terrorist bitch.

If you need off-road capabillity why didn't you get a jeep or something? You may not be helping Osama but you're stillan SUV-owning douchebag in my book. God I hate them.

i don't own or want a car, but the only thing that's wrong with SUVs is that the government--thanks to the fucking automotive lobby--has classed them as autos instead of as light trucks, with loopholes their emissions requirements (among other things like that).

for some people, SUVs fill a role that you can't get with other cars, and i think people have every right to use them. there just needs to be appropriate legislation enacted so they have the proper safety and emissions requirements.
We have a van as well, and they have much less legroom than you would think. I haven't been able to ride in one comfortably since I was about 12 or 13. For me personally, my '57 Fairlane offers huge amounts of legroom, style, and performance but it's downside is that you can barely drive it on gravel without spinning out everywhere and it scrapes the underside on a speed bump or curb pretty frequently. SUVs are a nice all-purpose vehicle for those times when another vehicle just won't cut it.
I guess it's a combination of living in Boston and not being very large myself then. Since I can get anywhere I want basically by public ransportation and having the drivers be inconsiderate fucks in general, the SUVs may seem twice as bad to me here.

pet peeve. along with cell phones.