A van doesn't do the off-road thing, though. If I ever got an SUV, I'd buy it because I want to drive it as my regular car, but I also want to be able to carry my family in it, go skiing with it, go camping with it, etc. No other car fulfills those criteria.
'Course, hopefully I'll never need a car. Nasty exhaust-spewing things.
being that like, my parents live in the woods on a freakin mountain in the berkshires and you almost have to scale a fucking cliff to get to it, ... my mom doesnt even have an SUV!! she has a tiny 4 wheel drive subaru and it fits MY TALL ASS FATHER into it and they are fine.
my dad only has trucks because he owns a masonry business and has to carry like, huge boulders around and shit. but like, they attest to the fact that SUV's especially the giant ones, are just not freakin necessary. and my grandfather, who lives next door, drives a fucking ESCORT with tire chains.
yea, actually, funnily, jared got a jetta b/c he liked the fit of mine so much. the seats go like, way way back. and my grandma is 6'2"! and she's all cruising around in her escort and shit, high on valium, blind as a fucking bat, but comfortably no less!
I just hate small cars in general. The only benefits I can see for them is if you live in a city or an area with absurd gas prices. Since none of these apply to me, I can enjoy the benefits of a larger vehicle with few drawbacks.
SUV's are just so polluting. like, i wouldnt care except that like, well, everyone is dead meat because of it. eventually.
but i could give a shit in the end what people drive.
you're all gonna die. it'll be funny.
Odd that you should mention this. A friend and I once had a discussion on this subject and we decided he needed a car shaped like a cross that he could drive around and show up whenever people needed to be healed or have a lesson taught to them.