The Newest Episode of "The Michael Kiske Soap Opera" Part 1

Below is taken from ( What's next? Michael Kiske joins N'Sync? Oy Vay!!!!!!!!

Former HELLOWEEN singer Michael Kiske has posted the following statement regarding the break-up of the SUPARED project:

"I officially like to announce my departure from the Hard Rock Music scene now. I simply don’t fit. Especially on the last record I did experiment around again with Hard Rock sounds, trying to keep things interesting for me, but it doesn’t lead me to anything. I guess subconsciously I was working with these sounds again trying to get more in peace with my past somehow, but it simply isn’t me anymore. The extremely bad record sales of the SupaRed debut was the final bit and answer I needed for this decision. My interpretation of this sort of music doesn’t get accepted. So I don’t want to waste my and other people’s time anymore. Big thanx to everybody who supported this band-project and me! I am sorry if you are disappointed now that I have to finally close this chapter for good, but I am not the person who goes on forever with something that is not meant to be. A big Fuck-Off goes out to everybody who only burned or downloaded SupaRed instead of buying the CD. You may say you love music, but all you do is destroying the financial existents of bands and musicians. People like you make sure that all free Music that is not just a fake set-up by the industry will die out completely. The same fuck off goes out to all smart-ass critics who can only treat music as a stinking product to please the market. Instead of trying to understand a musicians work or the mission of art in general, you think you can dictate musicians what they have to do, misusing your power over the public opinion. As long as artists fight against your stupid kind, there’s hope. If your type wins, there’s no future for the real thing. People like you don’t deserve any real music! - For a number of years now there has been a strong conflict in my chest. A completely different conflict than most people would guess. Every part of me says: no more! I made myself physically ill making this last record. That says it all. And as everyone can see, it leads to nothing worth it. All I want to say is: Hardrock isn’t my music anymore. I can’t cope with it’s mentality, ideals or musical language. I have found much better artistic arguments, and certainly much higher morals than what the Metal scene has to offer. And you won’t hear anything Metal-like anymore coming from my address for the rest of my life. I will also lead no more useless discussions anymore with people around the world about things they simply don’t have a sense for. It’s a waste of energy and time. People don’t necessarily become wise when they get old: an asshole will only become an old asshole. In the same way young people don’t necessarily are alive, just because they are young. Many people are spiritually dead already as teenagers. And brutalizing music, that makes us dumb, numb and morally def does its part. If you don’t agree with me, and don’t like my talk. Fine! To each its own. It’s absolutely right for me. I say it again: I simply don’t fit into the Metal-Scene. I am not what the scene wants, and I don’t want the wimpy artistic truth this scene has to offer. I didn’t even really fit into Helloween as a person. I was always a stranger in that band, because I wasn’t at all like them. I liked Metal in the eighties, and still like some records, but I was never really the typical Metal-Head. Even in my hardest Metal days I was always just as much listening to U2, ELVIS, BEATLES, EURYTHMICS, KATE BUSH, PAT BENATAR, classical music and so on. What a heresy, right? But I am happy that I never isolated myself in Metal. I was always open to anything good in music. And believe it or not: I am totally convinced that’s the reason for my success as a singer in Metal. My approach was different! Metal is certainly not any law for me. My love for God, Christ, free Art and Humanity is. We’ve got to do what we believe in. If you don’t follow your convictions, you’re dead. A person that doesn’t follow his believes, or doesn’t even have any ideals or morals is just a pitiful hollow existents in my eyes, no matter how smart or modern that person might see itself. I wouldn’t trust someone that has no believes for a minute. There’s nothing holy for him or her. As Carlos Santana said in an Interview: All that matters is what we do in our life’s with our energy, light and love.

That’s all. Peace!"
Things like this actually influence me when listening to the older "good old days" music. Now, whenever I listen to Keepers, I'll be thinking of this rant about the music scene.

It still happens when I listen to Kill 'Em All or Master of Puppets now, thinking sadly what that "other" band has become.

Kiske has become totally irrelevant to the metal scene for the past 10 years or so. I couldn´t care less about his whining and his opinion. He has every rigth to do whatever he wants, but I am sick of reading about him in metal websites or magazines whining about everything. If he hates metal so much, why the fuck is he always collaborating in metal albums??? I recently read he will appear on a CD of a new Brazilian metal band (don´t remember the name) with members of Shaman and Angra. Why can´t he just stay in his new musical direction once and for all?!?!?! Nobody cares about him anymore, anyway!
alexofbodom said:
Kiske has become totally irrelevant to the metal scene for the past 10 years or so. I couldn´t care less about his whining and his opinion. He has every rigth to do whatever he wants, but I am sick of reading about him in metal websites or magazines whining about everything. If he hates metal so much, why the fuck is he always collaborating in metal albums??? I recently read he will appear on a CD of a new Brazilian metal band (don´t remember the name) with members of Shaman and Angra. Why can´t he just stay in his new musical direction once and for all?!?!?! Nobody cares about him anymore, anyway!
I understand fully what you are saying, however, I must disagree with your statement "nobody cares about him anymore, anyway!" I for one still care as he, imo, is the greatest vocalist of all time. It does bother me to have to hear him talk down about the music I enjoy so much, but I do respect his opinion and would continue to support him as long as he doesn't turn gangsta on me! Instant Clarity is a great album and if he decides to go Damian Wilson on me, I would accept it as I did when Damian Wilson released his pop/mellow solo albums.

There are just some singers out there that i can't stay away from, no matter what style of music they are fronting; and Damian Wilson and Michael Kiske are 2 of them.
No shit, Nightwish...good statement. Kiske's performance on the Aina album just brings a smile to my face and a cool sense of nostalgia. It makes you wonder if he will continue to make a quick buck in the future by making vocal cameo appearances on albums, or if he will put a stop to that once and for all. Personally, you really could never replace the glory days...but I'm always grateful for any and every release that he chooses to put his stamp on.

In regards to the's a bit odd...perhaps some due to a language barrier or some piss-poor translating. Bottom line, though...something must have really crawled up his ass to inspire such a response. There's got to be some interesting back-story that we'll probably never hear...

Anyway...someone must have pissed him off...he's the best...but...shit or get off the pot already...

Rock on!
I think michael kiske just trying to hang on to his metal roots and stay a big part of it by repeatedly saying he is done with metal. He has said this ever since i've gotten into helloween.
Message to Michael Kiske: If you are sick of it so much shut up, say your final goodbyes and leave metal. :yell:
No, he won't give up metal completely, as that's probably the only style he performs in that pays him any money. Oh, and I find it very interesting that Kiske is SOOO mad that people may or may not have burned his Suprared album. Yeah, that bitching definitely falls into the category of "typical". Don't you guys find it interesting that the artists who bitch the most about CD copying/downloading, are the ones who have stylistically changed the most? Hmmm, interesting. These people piss me off the most. Let's see, an average fan would see the Suprared album in a store (doubtful anyways, but you never know) with a sticker saying, "featuring Michael Kiske, former lead singer in Helloween", and that fan probably would go and purchase it with the mindset that it would sound something like Helloween. Guess what? It sure as Hell doesn't!

So now this fan has gone and spent $13-17 on a CD which he probably won't listen to again because he doesn't like it, and what is he to do now? Sell it to a shop and get $3-4 if he is lucky? Yeah, that's a great solution. I really don't think that Michael Kiske gives a shit if you didn't like his album, rather just get your money, based on his aformentioned rant.

The bottom line is...Michael, your Suprared CD is a piece of shit, your fault, not ours. Stop bitching because no one bought it and go buy some Massengil and relax.
I just pulled out Supared and spun it again...the poor thing had just been relegated to "obliveon" status, buried in the collection shortly after acquiring it.

I kinda like it...of course, I didn't really expect a metal album in the first place. All in all, it's a pretty cool rock album...

The only reason I bought it (no questions asked) was because of Michael Kiske, though. There's no way in hell that album would be worth a fuck without him.

...but I still think it's a good album...