Michael Kiske new chapter!!!!!!!!! Again

TBJ said:
maybe he's referring to black or death metal, still, it is very stupid of him to generalize metalheads, makes him look like a republican:flame:

Speaking of generalizations..... Al and Tipper Gore were not in the GOP. Just ask the guys in Cannibal Corpse, who named an album in their honor.

Dr. Caligari said:
Negativity in metal ?! Mr. Kiske should hang out at progpower to see how much of a negative vibe he would feel. There is absolutely nothing negative with anything like prog power. I have been going to PP for four years and have not seen anything negative about it. It is a bunch of great people just trying to have a good time

Couldn't agree more. Judging from the DVD, Bartender Maria does, too. :heh:

as a big unit.

Err, this belongs in the 'Swordlord explanation' thread. :grin:
nightwish58 said:
Kiske is the man no matter how ridiculous he sounds. As long as he sings, I will be a fan; I could care less what he says.

I know where you're coming from... not that I agree specifically, but I agree with the idea behind what you're saying. If you enjoy the guy's music, that's what should be important. Questionable comments he makes have no bearing on whether one enjoys the music they're hearing or not. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Kiske's voice (I think he's a good though often overrated vocalist). I like the stuff he did with Helloween, though I would have liked it just as much with another vocalist with a big range. What I've heard of his post-Helloween solo stuff hasn't done that much for me.

Overall though, I don't think Kiske's statements come as much of a surprise to anyone. It was kind of cool that this interviewer hoisted Kiske by his own petard, so to speak, but this guy's been spewing the craziest of bullshit since 1993, and I see no reason to expect that he'd stop now. He was (and still is) pissed off that his insane expectation of legions of metal fans following him into his post-Helloween mellow rock experimentation didn't pan out. So he decided that metal fans are "ass-lickers" (his term) and that the metal scene is "evil". All the while not being able to reconcile that first of all, he's just not that good a songwriter, and second, that his past with Helloween means that he makes more money (and draws more listener interest) doing guest vocals with "metal" bands than with his own resolutely non-pigeonhole-able solo albums.

And speaking of negativity, Kiske is hardly one to talk... this guy has spewed more negativity in the past decade than just about anyone else I can think of in the metal scene. But then, vitriol and hypocrisy are hardly a surprise coming from this bonehead.

Nonetheless, I like his performances with Avantasia, Edguy, and Tribuzy, and look forward to the next metal album guest appearance that he'll definitely never do again.