MICHAEL KISKE teams with Pink Cream 69/Vanden Plas band members


Feb 11, 2002
From Mazur PR....this could be interesting. Has anyone heard this yet? Any opinions?

Michael Kiske, the former Helloween frontman and vocalist extraordinaire, has
lent his astonishing voice to the debut from Place Vendome, a band also
comprised of members of Pink Cream 69 and Vanden Plas.

Originally intended as melodic rock record a la Journey and Foreigner, the final
product turned out to be more rocking than planned.

The guitars are much heavier, said Kiske. It was fun to do, but it
came out more hard rock than Journey/Foreigner-like. My own songwriting and producing is quite different.

The songs were mainly written by bassist and producer Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69) then sent to Frontiers boss Serafino, who had conceived of the project and invited Kiske to be part of it. Following that, mp3s were forwarded to Kiske for his input.

If I liked it too, it was in, Kiske said. I never actually saw the
other musicians myself. I did the vocals in my own little studio. Only
afterwards did I meet the guitar player here in Hamburg.

That guitarist is Uwe Reitenauer of Pink Cream 69, who along with bandmates Ward and Kosta Zafiriou (drums), and Vanden Plas keyboardist Gunther Werno complete the band.

More than ever before, it's necessary to get back to letting the music do
the talking, Kiske said. True music has become an empty phrase and cheap
promotion-trick, because today everything is totally market controlled! Today the industry is designing plastic music for their markets like it designs a hair shampoo, and that wipes out all music with real identity. And that goes through ALL musical styles these days. We must get rid of all shades, dogmas, boxes, cliches, and laws for music completely! Freedom is only atmosphere where a true song can be born.

Place Vendome's self-title debut is available in the USA on
Frontiers/Locomotive Records.

I like the Place Vendome debut quite a bit, although I would prefer it to be heavier. As it is though it's a good AOR disc with a few tunes that come somewhat close to being metal. The tunes are catchy though, and Kiske sounds excellent. They are supposed to do a followup in the near future as well.

Pelata said:
Kiske thought they were TOO loud. :loco:

You need to hear the past KHYMERA album....very good!
yeah well Kiske is an idiot for thinking that...the album needed more guitars!:kickass:
Outstanding album if you like melodic rock.

Personally, I think this was Kiske's best vocal performance ever. Strictly talking about vocals here, of course.
booB said:
It's a good thing Kiske isn't into this sort of music anymore.:err:

[Michael Kiske]

That's it! your vicious comment makes me realize once more that everything is market-controlled, everyone is an ass-licker, and we must get rid of all shades, dogmas, boxes, cliches, and laws. Therefore, because of you, I am once again LEAVING METAL FOREVER!

Until my bank account runs low again.

[/Michael Kiske]
The song "Place Vendome" is worth the whole CD to me. It's a good melodic rock record, but certainly nothing groundbreaking. Very good vocal performance and I thought the mix was perfect for the kind of album it was.

On a side note, if you like this CD, check out Danny Vaugh on "From The Inside"...that CD FUCKING SMOKES!!!!
The recent Poley/Riveria and Marcello/Vestry releases has prompted me to find some additional quality, melodic, hard rock. Hence me coming across this Place Vendome release. I agree with Heavenly Call saying the track, Place Vendome, is worth the price alone! Overall, I really like this CD, so it will get repeated listens from me.

Place Vendome was a great cd, and the song is really good too. Funny thing about the song....ever since I first heard it, I thought it was a slight rip-off of the Mike Slamer penned tune "Metallic Blue", performed by both House of Lords and Steelhouse Lane. Good stuff though!
I bought the first PV CD, and let's just say I no longer possess said copy. First disc rating: 5/10. BLAH! I thought Kiske sounded much better on the Rev Ren disc!