The News, Elections and Alice COOPER

Now I dislike Bush as much as the next person, I think he's a terrible president and I pray the next one to be elected is better than he is :shudders at the thought of a worse president:. I am not sure America has ever been less popular and he hasn't helped the economy even a little bit imho.

NOOOOW what does this have to do with Alice Cooper you may say? Well have you heard about all the artists who are putting on a concert for the democratic party in hopes of getting someone other than Bush Jr. elected? Well Alice Cooper HATES that, he says its totally against rock to have anything to do with politics. I don't agree with him but God bless the man for having his own opinion. :)

Just thought it might interest you.
Actually I'm on the fence post on that one. I feel if you are going to put together a show to increase voting and have some bands play... that's know what to expect. It's when you're at a show and some musician starts rattling off his/her opinions that upsets me....I don't pay 80 bucks to hear someones political opinion....I pay to hear your music! and by the way.... Oct. 22nd Alice Cooper \m/
Even as off-topic as I tend to get, I typically don't get into sillytics....err... politics, but though I am not a fan of Bush, he IS the president the US needs right now (I ama Libertarian more or less by the way, not a republican.) If I happen to offend anyone with the statements I am about to make, I will not apologize nor even consider looking at tyhe situation from a different viewpoint.....

America is a bully. This country has an enormous amount of money and power and often it abuses it. I absolutely hate that fact and I don't think that the US should try and be "world police" and try and stick their nose in other countries's affairs. However.... some religious psycho assholes flew planes into skyscrapers of our country. Were those extremist terrorists Iraqis ? No..... Why should we invade Iraq when they didn't do it ? The answer is because we have no other choice. You can't pick out each and every individual extremist throughout the world and shoot them down with some laser satellite. Typical Muslims are peace loving people just like most people of other religions and those that are not religious, but the Muslim extremists have the belief that giving their life while killing Jews or Christians is the most blessid thing they can do for Allah. The Holy Land of Islam is in Iraq (and Isreal) and America's Government wants to take it over in order to thwart those extremists, not to make it Christian nor to steal their oil.
China and North Korea have nuclear weapons. They are communist so we aren't supposed to like them, but they aren't stupid. Neither country would dare start a nuclear war, but if those Muslum extremists were to get a hold of a nuclear weapon and gather the technology to arm it, aim it and launch it, I think they would. They flew planes into a skyscraper after all.
I am a peace loving man, but if America has to fuck up middle-east culture to make this world safe, so be it. War is ugly and innocent people die. I don't like it at all, but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. While America is killing innocent civilians, those plane hijackers did that on 9/11 and we are doing waging a war so that none of those killings like 9/11 happen again.
As I said, this is not about Bush..... hell this isn't about politics. After the 9/11 incident, politics meant nothing. It is about life and death. Bullies or not, America is waging war for peace. If you don't agree..... you are more than welcome to reply and I won't be rude to you. All I have to ask is if you or anyone from your country would fly a plane into a skyscraper killing thousands ? I would assume the answer is no. Would you protect your country from it happening again if it happened ?

I don't know whether I should continue this political discussion here or not... but there are so many things I don't agree with. Don't take it personnaly Bryant.

This war in Irak won't prevent the extremists from attacking America again. Do you really think that all the most dangerous islamists hide in Irak? No way, they're not that stupid.
If Bush wants to get the worst extremists, why doesn't he attack Saudi Arabia as well?? Ah yeah, because they're still the first oil supplyer.
And why are the "danger levels" in the USA high at the moment? This is a proof that this war hasn't solved anything.

Sadly Bush used the horrible 9/11 as a pretext for this war, sure there are good things that happened like the fall of Saddam, but why did it take so many years to get this tyrant? Just because Bush needed a good pretext...

This war is meant to please Bush's friends waiting for the very profitable contracts of Irak's reconstruction, and is also meant to solve the evergrowing (huge) problem of oil supplying, since Saudi Arabia is facing an internal crisis and their relations with the USA are at their worst point ever. That's why Bush needs to find other solutions, and taking the control of a weak country full of oil is a quick solution.
Don't forget that the first Gulf War allowed a gain of 11 million dollars thanks to the rise of the oil price...

So, once again Bush needs a legitimate reason to start this war. And the 9/11 was the perfect pretext for him. He used a national tragedy to start his war for profits... this "fight for freedom" excuse is just romantic bullshit to blind and manipulate people. Attacking Irak did not make this world safer at all. Even the US allies like Spain and Italy are in higher danger now! Is this what you call security? Of course not.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction by the way? Irak was and still is weak. Where is Bin Laden? Free as air, preparing his next strike.
I'm not a friend of the middle-east, far from that, I can't stand all this religious fanatism either, but as we speak, some brave US soldiers and some innocent civilians are losing their life... for the sake of economic interests.

If you value the human life over money, you can't respect Bush.
Fangface said:
I don't know whether I should continue this political discussion here or not... but there are so many things I don't agree with. Don't take it personnaly Bryant.

This war in Irak won't prevent the extremists from attacking America again. Do you really think that all the most dangerous islamists hide in Irak? No way, they're not that stupid.
If Bush wants to get the worst extremists, why doesn't he attack Saudi Arabia as well?? Ah yeah, because they're still the first oil supplyer.
And why are the "danger levels" in the USA high at the moment? This is a proof that this war hasn't solved anything.

Sadly Bush used the horrible 9/11 as a pretext for this war, sure there are good things that happened like the fall of Saddam, but why did it take so many years to get this tyrant? Just because Bush needed a good pretext...

This war is meant to please Bush's friends waiting for the very profitable contracts of Irak's reconstruction, and is also meant to solve the evergrowing (huge) problem of oil supplying, since Saudi Arabia is facing an internal crisis and their relations with the USA are at their worst point ever. That's why Bush needs to find other solutions, and taking the control of a weak country full of oil is a quick solution.
Don't forget that the first Gulf War allowed a gain of 11 million dollars thanks to the rise of the oil price...

So, once again Bush needs a legitimate reason to start this war. And the 9/11 was the perfect pretext for him. He used a national tragedy to start his war for profits... this "fight for freedom" excuse is just romantic bullshit to blind and manipulate people. Attacking Irak did not make this world safer at all. Even the US allies like Spain and Italy are in higher danger now! Is this what you call security? Of course not.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction by the way? Irak was and still is weak. Where is Bin Laden? Free as air, preparing his next strike.
I'm not a friend of the middle-east, far from that, I can't stand all this religious fanatism either, but as we speak, some brave US soldiers and some innocent civilians are losing their life... for the sake of economic interests.

If you value the human life over money, you can't respect Bush.

The reason we never tried to do much with Iraq before 9/11 is because Bush was only president for about 8 months, before that we had clinton and he was too busy getting his 8 years of service(pun intended), he is not the type of guy who would start a war. I am glad we got out of Iraq and so are alot of Iraqi's. My cousin was over their for about a year and says the people are very grateful. Although their are still radicals out their the majority is happy, from what my cousin says. Now, dealing with North Kore is another story which if we decide to take that wack job out of power we have to be kind of delecate. We don't want to get China involved in this because then their will be nuclear war. Just think of all the death metal concept albums that would spring up from that :yuk: . I don't want the world to be totally destroyed because of a mistake. As I see it taking Sadaam out of power was like taking Hitler out of power in the 1930's. If we would of done that than we would saved alot of lives. You never know what could of happen if we wouldn't have taken him out of power things could of gotten much worse over their. Also, about Iraq having nothing to do with 9/11 you might be right, but it was just a matter of time until taking sadaam out of power was going to have to happen.
Bryant said:
Even as off-topic as I tend to get, I typically don't get into sillytics....err... politics, but though I am not a fan of Bush, he IS the president the US needs right now (I ama Libertarian more or less by the way, not a republican.) If I happen to offend anyone with the statements I am about to make, I will not apologize nor even consider looking at tyhe situation from a different viewpoint.....

America is a bully. This country has an enormous amount of money and power and often it abuses it. I absolutely hate that fact and I don't think that the US should try and be "world police" and try and stick their nose in other countries's affairs. However.... some religious psycho assholes flew planes into skyscrapers of our country. Were those extremist terrorists Iraqis ? No..... Why should we invade Iraq when they didn't do it ? The answer is because we have no other choice. You can't pick out each and every individual extremist throughout the world and shoot them down with some laser satellite. Typical Muslims are peace loving people just like most people of other religions and those that are not religious, but the Muslim extremists have the belief that giving their life while killing Jews or Christians is the most blessid thing they can do for Allah. The Holy Land of Islam is in Iraq (and Isreal) and America's Government wants to take it over in order to thwart those extremists, not to make it Christian nor to steal their oil.
China and North Korea have nuclear weapons. They are communist so we aren't supposed to like them, but they aren't stupid. Neither country would dare start a nuclear war, but if those Muslum extremists were to get a hold of a nuclear weapon and gather the technology to arm it, aim it and launch it, I think they would. They flew planes into a skyscraper after all.
I am a peace loving man, but if America has to fuck up middle-east culture to make this world safe, so be it. War is ugly and innocent people die. I don't like it at all, but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. While America is killing innocent civilians, those plane hijackers did that on 9/11 and we are doing waging a war so that none of those killings like 9/11 happen again.
As I said, this is not about Bush..... hell this isn't about politics. After the 9/11 incident, politics meant nothing. It is about life and death. Bullies or not, America is waging war for peace. If you don't agree..... you are more than welcome to reply and I won't be rude to you. All I have to ask is if you or anyone from your country would fly a plane into a skyscraper killing thousands ? I would assume the answer is no. Would you protect your country from it happening again if it happened ?


I agree with most of what you said, so don't fell left out in the cold.
Fangface said:
This war in Irak won't prevent the extremists from attacking America again. Do you really think that all the most dangerous islamists hide in Irak? No way, they're not that stupid.
If Bush wants to get the worst extremists, why doesn't he attack Saudi Arabia as well?? Ah yeah, because they're still the first oil supplyer.
And why are the "danger levels" in the USA high at the moment? This is a proof that this war hasn't solved anything.

Sadly Bush used the horrible 9/11 as a pretext for this war, sure there are good things that happened like the fall of Saddam, but why did it take so many years to get this tyrant? Just because Bush needed a good pretext...

Snipped but read....

Well Flo the truth is, you could be right and I could be right. In fact, probably neither of us are wrong. The Bush family is in the oil business. I am not denying there are hidden agendas, but the truth is America has never been attacked in its existance in the kind of scale 9/11 was. Certainly those terrorists were not Iraqi's but "Westernizing" the "heart" of the middle-east and turning it into a democracy will either filter into the other mid-east countries and the extrmists will eventually die out or it will blow things wide open in the middle-east and create even more turmoil in that part of the world. I suppose time will tell what will happen....

WIntersReflection said:
NOOOOW what does this have to do with Alice Cooper you may say? Well have you heard about all the artists who are putting on a concert for the democratic party in hopes of getting someone other than Bush Jr. elected? Well Alice Cooper HATES that, he says its totally against rock to have anything to do with politics. I don't agree with him but God bless the man for having his own opinion. :)

Just thought it might interest you.

Why support either party ? One of the problems with American politics and the mindset of the citiczens and media is that it seem one always has to choose the lesser of two evils. Why does it have to be Democrat or Republican ? I actually have many Libertarian learnings and there are alternatives to the lousy bipartisan crap we citiczens allow our government to throw at us. As much as Democrats and Republicans appear to hate each other, you can bet Independents, Libertarians etc. really get heat from both parties even though the independents are the ones working FOR the people that elected them, as opposed to the party they are members of.

Bryant said:
Why support either party ? One of the problems with American politics and the mindset of the citiczens and media is that it seem one always has to choose the lesser of two evils. Why does it have to be Democrat or Republican ? I actually have many Libertarian learnings and there are alternatives to the lousy bipartisan crap we citiczens allow our government to throw at us. As much as Democrats and Republicans appear to hate each other, you can bet Independents, Libertarians etc. really get heat from both parties even though the independents are the ones working FOR the people that elected them, as opposed to the party they are members of.


That makes sense.
Metal and hard rock have always done far better under conservative and Republican administrations than they have when Demosexuals (or is it Homocrats?) were in the WHite House.

When Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford were presidents, the early heavy metal all started (including Alice Cooper, Sabbath, Zeppelin, and dozens of other hugely successful metal acts).

During Reagan's term there was a huge resurgence of heavy metal (Slayer, Metallica, Ozzy's comeback, and lots more).

With Bush-43, a resurgence of the metal scene has happened again.

Metal Blade Records is HQ'd in Simi Valley CA. You can prectically throw a football from there to the Reagan Presidential Library.

The anti-Bush rock groups are no longer selling CD's, so they may be dropped by their record companies next time out (huge expensive flops are usually career enders these days).

Metal fans need to check the facts concerning who is better for the music, and then they'll all vote for Bush (no matter what they think of Alice Cooper).