The next NADicus Wackicus theory: metal in its purist form.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Stoner. Nothing embodies the true spirit of Black Sabbath (perhaps not the original incarnation of heavy metal, but certainly the most authentic purveyors of this great music form) like groups such as Kyuss, Monster Magnet, Acid King, Corrosion of Conformity, Old Man Gloom, Eyehategod, Beaten Back to Pure, House of Aquarius, Acid Bath, Down, Yob, Ufomammut, and many many others. The heart of these groups is what metal is all about: Big and Nasty Riffs. Molten chunks of fallen metal, thrust into your very soul by the axes that cleaved both heaven and earth.

The riffs are heavy, the spirits are lifted, the fucking meat is on the bone. Sex. Drugs. Stoner. Discuss.
nnnnnahhhh, gotta be...:

One Inch Man said:
The heart of these groups is what metal is all about: Big and Nasty Riffs. Molten chunks of fallen metal, thrust into your very soul by the axes that cleaved both heaven and earth.

The riffs are heavy, the spirits are lifted, the fucking meat is on the bone.

That's more like it! Those words are beautiful....that hardcore thing was just a slip up, I know. And I forgive you. :tickled:

Man, didn't we have a thread about doom metal being the foundation or something? I think Erik started it, and I was trying to explain how Black Sabbath defines metal in its purest form....and that at the end of the day, all things return to this fundamental sound.

In other words, I agree. There is something primeval about this mass wall of sound, in the way that it beckons you instinctively. Less is more.
i need to get into more doom, somone give me a big honkin list. or maybe just 6 or 7 bands that are fucking must listen 18million/10.
i need to get into more doom, somone give me a big honkin list. or maybe just 6 or 7 bands that are fucking must listen 18million/10.

Oh man, that is a loaded question. OK try these:

Reverrend Bizarre - "Harbinger of Metal"
Grand Magus - "Monument"
Novembers Doom - "The Knowing"

Those are 3 albums to start you off...
now how come these aforementioned bands are so simple in their delivery and very accesible soundwise ... but yet still so obscure?
Sunn O)))
Solitude Aeturnus
Burning Witch
Buzzoven (not sure where the full stop goes...)
The Melvins
Iron Monkey
Beaten Back To Pure

(Some of these are more sludge than doom, others are more southern-tinged, others are way more extreme, but these are all awesome bands!)
Melvins, oh the Melvins. A band I liked okay on CD, hated in concert the two times I saw them, and now years later fully realize how great they are. Buzzo = King, which is why they call him King Buzzo I guess.
Yes, I'd say doom embodies what metal is all about. It ain't about speed or growled vocals. It's the riffs, man, the riffs. And that fuck you attitude.

Church of Misery rules.