The Nihilist Manifesto

Well it's a good step to realising you don't know much on the grand scale of things, but It hardly makes you more accurate, probably only more aware of how inaccurate you are.
To most especially Demiurge and Infoterror: I have noticed a trend towards liberal or religious types, to make the naive mistake of confusing nihilism with anarchism. I am personally becoming tired of expalining to these dunces that not only has the last one hundred years of art, philosophy, and music been essentially nihilisitc, but that nihilism is not about destruction. I think it would behoove these fools to have a handy nihilist handbook to reference. ALthough, I doubt they will understand it.
speed said:
To most especially Demiurge and Infoterror: I have noticed a trend towards liberal or religious types, to make the naive mistake of confusing nihilism with anarchism.

I've noticed this as well. They assume nihilism must be rejection of everything, like the kneejerk reaction that considering nihilism so is in them. Nihilism is a mind-tuning. Few are ready for this (another reason why democracy is garbage).
infoterror said:
I've noticed this as well. They assume nihilism must be rejection of everything, like the kneejerk reaction that considering nihilism so is in them. Nihilism is a mind-tuning. Few are ready for this (another reason why democracy is garbage).

The most exasperating thing is how these heathens refuse to listen or open up their closeminded non-independent minds. I had a long argument with three persons, who believed nihilism is awful and pointless, and should be banned because in their words, nihilism isnt creative and makes art and literature, and everything else pointless. I explained to them that the last century of art and music, was essentially inspired by nihilism more than anything else. But, since they have no knowledge of art and culture, they still didnt understand. Idiots.
could someone please explain to me the difference between "nihilism" and "chaos theory"

could someone please explain to me the difference between utilitarianism and games consoles
speed said:
I explained to them that the last century of art and music, was essentially inspired by nihilism more than anything else. But, since they have no knowledge of art and culture, they still didnt understand.

One way that's useful to look at these things, whether or not it will help your homeboys in question: the world is the only reality. We can describe it in terms, and whether or not we agree on these terms, if we're describing the same thing we've found the same truth, which can be defined as "degree of accuracy when perceiving the only reality, e.g. our external world."

So... they may not see it as nihilism, but many of their own beliefs are probably nihilistic. Innarestin', ain't it?