The Office - US version

Icarus said:
Everyone should watch Im alan partridge. It was on last night at 1:30. So thats wednesday nights at 1:30, channel 7. It is damn funny stuff.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!! Why did I only find out about this today? I never check anything much other than SBS and the ABC in the tv guide. That'll teach me. I've been waiting six years for this show to be shown here. Six years! Why couldn't the ABC show it instead? Beggars can't be chooser though. Still want the dvd. Absolutely hilarious, is I'm Alan Partridge.

On The Office, it was better than I thought it would be. I expected it to be worse, given that it's an American version. About the only American comedy I've ever really liked is Seinfeld. Plus South Park, but that's kinda different.
I watched some of it this afternoon and it wasn't that bad. I didn't watch it tonight because it didn't interest me, but it wasn't awful like you lot were saying it was.
Tonight's episode was more consistent, but didn't have the big funnies of the second half of last night (although it had two funnies and the rest was complete shit)

Dwight is really starting to annoy me though. He is NOTHING on Gareth. NOTHING.
Goreripper said:
Yes it was Spiff. It was shit. The only funny part was when the guy found his stapler in a bowl of jelly. That was it. The rest was shit. Shit.

I keep meaning to reply to this but keep forgetting.

That joke was in the original. Pretty much the entire first episode was in the original.

Worst part of the first episode, which made me decide not to watch much more of it - when Dawn's character (can't remember the American version's name) is talking Tim's character (can't remember the American version's name) and then Lee's character (can't remember the American version's name) beeps his car horn to let her know to hurry up. Except that they work in an OFFICE BUILDING, as we saw from an earlier establishing shot - how the hell did anyone a) hear the car horn so loudly, and b) assume it was for them?

It's dodgy little bits like that that really annoy me in shows, not so much bad jokes or bad acting.
The idea of Lee beeping his horn to hurry Dawn up goes against the whole thing about The Office - everything happens in a self-contained environment. Outside/offstage events are not seen/heard from within the office. That's just stupid.
I too wonder how a show can get almost 700,000 viewers AFTER the bad word of mouth and still get axed. Not that I'm really complaining, because it's getting replaced by RAYMOND!!! Yay, my favourite show ever!!! :err:
Crikey, they're ruthless when shows don't rate as well as expected, aren't they? It'll be show after Sports Tonight in a couple of months.