The Official "How ready are YOU for Powerfest?" Thread

Good for them. The fact that you're judging the lineup, drawing power, and even credibility of this fest and it's organizers before anything has even been announced just shows us all how big of a tard you are.

I am not judging anything. I have spoken to Rob about sponsorship a while back. My opinion is that this tour is better than the bands I discussed with him. Thats my opinion. Every year we always hear about how they lost money. This would be a good way for them to gain more people without having to fly over more and more bands. Just because you are a fanboy suck up, doesnt mean you know shit of what is happening. I am not questioning the credibility of the promoters....I just want this show to happen as much as Powerfest. If this tour isnt a part of the fest or on the same day....people will be split. Why risk that and see another empty show again when everyone could be in the same place.

I am the tard huh...I guess wrecking my hotel room and kissing bands asses doesnt make me a tard.
How do I kiss bands' asses? By TALKING to them? By wanting to hang out with them? They're fucking PEOPLE! I'm curious about their inspirations and how they think. I'm a musician and can't help but enjoy talking to my favorite musicians. I didn't RUIN any hotel rooms. Yes, it would be cool if everyone could be in the same place. If not, then oh well.

"Just because you are a fanboy suck up, doesnt mean you know shit of what is happening."

of what is happening? what the fuck are you even talking about? What is happening is you're being a little bitch because there's a possibility of your latest wet dream not appearing at a festival that it doesn't seem like you care much for anyway. Instead of constantly angering me and the organisers of the fest, just shut the fuck up and wait until some bands are announced before you go on some stupid tirade about how the lack of one stupid fucking tour would ruin the attendance of the festival. What if the fest got a band BIGGER than those bands? Just wait and see and keep your thoughts to people that give a shit, THEN give us an "I told you so" if what THEY decide to do with THEIR money doesn't work out.
How do I kiss bands' asses? By TALKING to them? By wanting to hang out with them? They're fucking PEOPLE! I'm curious about their inspirations and how they think. I'm a musician and can't help but enjoy talking to my favorite musicians. I didn't RUIN any hotel rooms. Yes, it would be cool if everyone could be in the same place. If not, then oh well.

"Just because you are a fanboy suck up, doesnt mean you know shit of what is happening."

of what is happening? what the fuck are you even talking about? What is happening is you're being a little bitch because there's a possibility of your latest wet dream not appearing at a festival that it doesn't seem like you care much for anyway. Instead of constantly angering me and the organisers of the fest, just shut the fuck up and wait until some bands are announced before you go on some stupid tirade about how the lack of one stupid fucking tour would ruin the attendance of the festival. What if the fest got a band BIGGER than those bands? Just wait and see and keep your thoughts to people that give a shit, THEN give us an "I told you so" if what THEY decide to do with THEIR money doesn't work out. do you know that I dont care about the fest? I am so vocal about it. Sorry i am not like you and will love and cum over any band that is out there. I want this fest to be big, I want it to be something to look forward to every year...last year was a big let down for me. I want this year to be great. From hearing rumblings and stuff, it might be something to look forward too. But with so many big tours hitting that same time, it will effect the fest. Candlemass, Gamma Ray / Helloween, Iced Earth, and Nightwish and the pagan fest tour are all around that time, a few are still up in the air, so that is a lot of big shows. You were not here in september when we had lots of shows in a short time, attendence was really hurt.

I think you need to reread some of your post, you would be surprised with how many private messages I get cracking on you by lots of people. Lurkers and posters alike. do you know that I dont care about the fest? I am so vocal about it. Sorry i am not like you and will love and cum over any band that is out there. I want this fest to be big, I want it to be something to look forward to every year...last year was a big let down for me. I want this year to be great. From hearing rumblings and stuff, it might be something to look forward too. But with so many big tours hitting that same time, it will effect the fest. Candlemass, Gamma Ray / Helloween, Iced Earth, and Nightwish and the pagan fest tour are all around that time, a few are still up in the air, so that is a lot of big shows. You were not here in september when we had lots of shows in a short time, attendence was really hurt.

I think you need to reread some of your post, you would be surprised with how many private messages I get cracking on you by lots of people. Lurkers and posters alike.

Do you really think the opinions of me that were formed by you and your e-friends hurt me at all? I'm here to support the fest, not worry about what you and your imaginary friends are saying while masturbating to Lord of the Rings.
The best thing ever was 4 years ago, we were driving around our town. There's a college like a block away from my house, and these 2 people were walking on the college's track. Veggie opens up my door and yells at them. They look up, and he sees that they aren't black, so he makes me drive around the block and go back so he can yell "Sorry" :lol: :lol:

heh... "You NIGG... wait... this just isn't me." :lol::lol:
3 of the regulars are Jewish, including myself. Nevermore's drummer is black, so if they really had a problem with blacks, they wouldn't support Nevermore. EVERYONE is racist to some degree. to deny that is lying.
3 of the regulars are Jewish, including myself. Nevermore's drummer is black, so if they really had a problem with blacks, they wouldn't support Nevermore. EVERYONE is racist to some degree. to deny that is lying.

You a Jew????!!!????!!!??!!??? :kickass:

I was just implying that I have seen the N word and Jew thrown out in some not-so-nice ways on the board before.