The official obscure band show and tell Thread

Sexy Little Otter said:
hahaha is it really misantropical or misantHropical? if it's Misantropical Painforest i'd have to say that name rules a lot more than i thought it did.

Yes, it really is Misantropical Painforest. Is everyone so hung up on the name and the oh so awesome album cover to actually give it a listen? Not that I'd expect many to enjoy it, but somebody else might...maybe. :(
Thanatopsis123 said:
I wasn't joking about liking Misantropical Painforest. :)

Here's some mp3's I found

I don't know how long the first track is, as I heard it through quicktime. But holy hell, this is a 15 sec song looped for like 9 fucking mins. It's still fucking playing as I am awaiting for it to end. Haha @ the clean vocal lines. On to track 2. <gulp>

Edit- Nm I give up.
The Gault fucking slay. Spikes77 I applaud you