The Official "what do YOU think of the new album?" thread


Jul 28, 2002
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The wait is over, and finally 'A New Breed Of Rebellion' is with us... in the hands of those who picked it up at the release party, and on store shelves in the morning! Best get to your CD store of choice bright and early!

I've tried to come up with a review, but all my writing muse has left me. Suffice to say I think it's still as magnificent as when I first heard it (albeit unmastered) a few months ago, although there are a very few little bits I'd have done differently (or had a band member do differently), had I been producing it... but the sound is very solid, far less tinny than the unmastered version I'd got used to, has some real welly down the bottom end, and the songs are just excellent - all of them. 'Sands Of Time', 'No Response', 'A New Breed Of Rebellion' and 'Chrono-Logic' are my personal faves, but there's not a weak track there IMO. And it sounds great in my car!

Kudos, boys, it's a kick-ass release! And, as far as I'm concerned, an early contender for album of the year... I'm a little biased, tho'. ;)

Cheers for the credit, too... honestly, that just floored me... thanks! :worship:
...well, the album has only been out two weeks at this point. :erk:

Right now, I'm sure it's either or all of the posibilities below:

a.) The metal fans haven't purcahsed a copy yet....
b.) the fans have got it, but don't like it, thus won't coment.
c.) the fans have it, but aren't registerd on the forum to coment.
d.) no one knows it has been released.

The fact that our website hasn't been updated yet, promo copies haven't arrived into the media's hands as of yet, and only a few online distributors & retailers have it.... this would be my best guess as to why there seems to be a lull in the action right now.

Persoanlly Mr. Luna, the fact that you love the new album is good enough more me right now! :D

I seriously think a street team is in order to help get the ball rolling..... what do you think? :err:

Well, the major thing is for the label to actually acknowledge that the album has been released! You'd think that after sinking all that money into making the CD's, he'd at least update his website to let people know...
It's being redesigned (recoded actually) and almost ready to launch for fully updated info....and yes I wouldnt put all this money into just to have the CDs rot in the warehouse! :) Also been busy getting it into vendors hands more so than anything. The big push will start when the label site is complete, that's why you havent seen much fuss about it yet.

Also, you will see the K5 and Division banners in my sig ine when the site is done as well, so Dustin don't whine about seeing Theocracy banner there and not yours damn it! lol

I'd be happy to review it, and such, but as life has been hectic as all hell for me (I haven't had time to keep up on my bootleg tradeing) I haven't had a chance to pick it up (since I missed the listening party).

And to be honest, I donno where to find it either...

so help out this poor Dawg, and then there will be a rewview forthcoming.

-Hobbes "was missing in action" Dawg

PS: Luna, email me ya goit! we need to work out getting that CD to you. hehe
Dustin said:
Persoanlly Mr. Luna, the fact that you love the new album is good enough more me right now! :D
If only my support were enough, but I'm well aware that it's not. Thanks, anyway, Dustin - and thanks for the credit in the album! :hotjump:

I've ripped the album to the Xbox in my store (shades of 'Present Day' there ;) ) and I do give it a play or several in there. Seems the mall customers are less discerning than when I was out in the sticks, though - one guy even wondered if you started as a Maiden cover band... aghast, I was (although I did say Lynn would probably take that as a compliment!)!

It is a damn good album, though. Hopefully a bigger push will see it gaining exposure soon. It's sad to see just how dead this forum's been, and it seems that's indicative of it as a whole. (Just out of curiosity, do we have any sales figures yet?)
I still find it interesting that they allow you to put our music on the "X" an d play it for all the Mall-goers. :lol: That kicks ass! :worship:

The album is begining to get it's push, and I believe that we will all see things pick up in the next month or so as the media strats geting their taste of the rebellion. ;)

No problem on the credit in the album ol' friend, you deserve it!
