"The Only Way is to Take Your Life"


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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I understand now...
Some things and some people are never to be within my grasp. In other words; There's no one nor nothing that can save me now. God nor man, faith nor science could possibly have the power to bring me up from the depths of what may seem to be pits of the deepest black and endless misery. I am a warrioress of what Gods may still exsist from the North that flows deep in my veins. Only I can release myself, but first I have to destroy what I've been building in my mind. I hate to destroy the World within, but how can I move on and leave behind the past if I do not tear these walls down? These walls that I built to keep out pain.......

So now I wither and fade, my exsistence seems faint. To drown my pain, drown this world, what justice could I achieve? So you say I am a coward...well, how much better are you if you only insult me and dare not try to sway my mind from self destruction?
i take you where you want to go
i give you all you need to know
i drag you down i use you up
mr self desctruct

Sorry Liz, that's what your post made me think of...;)

Good monologue at any rate.