The Orange Man Theory - Riding a Cannibal Horse

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
The Orange Man Theory - Riding a Cannibal Horse
Indelirium Records - 2006
By Adam McAuley


Very compelling hardcore that suggested some interesting tendencies outside its decidedly caustic exterior. The group are gripping and exciting and perform their part very well, though there isn't anything particularly out of the ordinary on display here. Instead, we are left with a relatively standard, but nonetheless very excellent metalcore album that recalls the likes of Dillinger Escape Plan and others within the genre, but with a sort of unique slant they manage to maintain throughout.

The intro to the album is a quite excellent fade-in and gives a promising start to what will be a consistently spinnable album throughout. There are slightly jazzy elements added to the normal rough exterior and a tendency for the band to utilize the ever popular breakdown technique to quickly shift the pace of their album. However, it remains within a very abrasive shell and for the most part maintains a very high tempo and completely pulls you in for the album's entire running length. The biggest downside on the album are perhaps the vocals, which aren't as bad as some hardcore groups I've heard, but take a far backseat to the melange of excellence that the band puts forward. They put on a relatively diverse display for the style and manage to concoct a very driving sound that pulls you in and brings you along for the ride. The band also has their own sort of independant flavor to the proceedings and it makes for a more unique listening experience than what you might typically expect from a hardcore album.

Overall, a very enjoyable listen and one that sort of makes for a very ear-catching experience because of the very strong sonics used throughout. I found myself listening to it for the pure enjoyment of the music and nothing else and that is a big pleasure. Not really many faults are present, but the album certainly isn't the most original piece of music ever recorded, although they do sound extremely unique and promising.


The Official Orange Man Theory Website
The Official Indelirium Records Website