The Panty Dropper *Crits*

i loving the bassdrop at 1:38, what is it? My main issue is the snare but it might be a matter of taste. The guitars are the chorus could be more define because the melody gets sorta blurred out. Those are just my 2 cents.
Is that the Chango FOP snare? I usually find it to be not dynamic enough and causes the "machine gun snare" sound on the fills. Try using a steven slate or sturgis snare at 60% volume and 40% the snare you have, so the sound is more natural but you still have that powerful crack of the snare you're using.

I also agree with the other comments regarding adding more mids to the guitar tone.

Other than that, great mix, great composition, keep it up!
The toms sound kind of clicky. Maybe try to eq that out down a bit, it's very distracting when two toms are hit at the same time. And pull some 500hz out of the bass guitar.