rough mix of a badass band

everybody's x

My name is Damage
May 20, 2006
Here's a band I am working with for the second time. They are called out of the suffering. I really love this band. This is a rough mix, and it is only about halfway tracked but I'm digging it already. this is their "ballad" :goggly: They told me they were doing a "panty dropper" song, and as soon as we tracked this I said," allright, let's do the mellow song" and they all started laughing, "That was the mellow song, dude."

thoughts?, snare's too wet, it's way too compressed, but for a half done track I think it's coming along nicely.
Just listening to the 'ballad' now - sounds pretty good, nice and crunchy guitar tones, distinct bass... Nice acoustic guitar sound at the end there. I'm with you on the snare sounding too wet, and maybe there's a bit too much reverb on it too... still far and away better than anything I can cobble together on my PC though!

the guitars seem to be overpowering the mix a bit, there's a wierd high end about the snare i don't care a lot for, and the kick drum could be a bit punchier...the low end in the overall mix is a bit muddy sounding to me

overall everything sounds pretty good, those are just the things that kinda jumped out at me

i like the guitar tone
I think the lead overdubs just before the acoustic part could come up in the mix (the slide and arpeggio) and I agree that there is something I don't like about the snare, but I can't quite place it.

Slightly off topic, but i was checking out the rest of your site, and man, that mix on the "Custom Grind" stuff is killer. :kickass:
Thanks a lot guys!

the snare is a sample from his kit that is too wet, I put some verb on it because his snare has that Lars "poing" thing happening. It is definitely not staying.

Leads, Vox, Acoustics, and hours of drum editing to come.

Customgrind are a cool Garbage meets Clutch type thing. The singer is hot and nasty, I love her.