new mix of my band

Drums are too loud, vocals too. I think basically all you need to do is give the guitars some more level, because they sound very cool already (listening on small logitech speakers).

Everything actually sounds very cool. Just need to work on the balance.

Good job!
sounds like a pretty cool song. up the guitars! and lower the snare a bit. might wanna bost some of the high-mids of the snare to make it pop through without taking away from the guitars, and a gate on it would help with that too. sounds really cool though, and i like the guitar tone.
Thanks for the tips...Listening back today, I'm not thrilled but I guess it's a good starting point.

I'll try the mids bump on the snare. It's definitely too loud, but it seems to lack something if I old it back.

It's funny everyone says up the guitars. I always keep them back for some reason. I guess it's me wanting to avoid the typical "guitar player as engineer" where the guitars are always too prominent.

Thanks for checking it out, though, and I'll try some of the advice out!