themightyfavog: ok back
themightyfavog: who are you?
Ice Level Music: i'm a hobbyist!
themightyfavog: a what?
Ice Level Music: a hobbyist!
Ice Level Music: ihave a hobby
themightyfavog: what hobbt?
themightyfavog: y
Ice Level Music: well I like to find people on AIM whose names end in "og"
Ice Level Music: and then see what they're all about
Ice Level Music: can you give me a quote?
themightyfavog: who else do you have?
Ice Level Music: you mean, like a list of AIM names?
themightyfavog: yes
Ice Level Music: haha! well I'm trying to make a comprehensive website.. err,, BLOG. get it? haha
themightyfavog: err no!
Ice Level Music: and I'll post the whole list and quotes there
Ice Level Music: but it's a surprise.
Ice Level Music: I promise I'll IM you and tell you when it's up though
Ice Level Music: it'll be
themightyfavog: why did you pick OG?
Ice Level Music: pierre berton
themightyfavog: uh huh
themightyfavog: so who are you?
themightyfavog: who ARE you?????
Ice Level Music: well, can you give me a quote?
Ice Level Music: come on, an OG quote!
themightyfavog: i don'y know a single quote with 'og' in it
Ice Level Music: i mean, just any quote from you
Ice Level Music: to go on my OG blog
Ice Level Music: just say something cool!
themightyfavog: hang on a sec
Ice Level Music: k
themightyfavog: ok
themightyfavog: tell me again why you need a quote?
themightyfavog: ok well see ya then. i have more to do than sit around waiting for a response. sorry if that comes across as bitchy but well, you know... i have a lot to do today. maybe i can help you out some other time.