The POPE is dead.

I saw the pope when i was a kid, he drove past in his cortege, i was impressed. My little brother became a pope fanatic for a while after that, which just shows what power the holy father has

he even got the pope mobile for xmas and all. Only they didnt make toy pope mobiles so me parents had a to find a toy ambulance that looked like it
Maqus666 said:

My youngest female cousin gave birth to a son today. Thank you, Papá, for giving way to a new life, this is the proper order of things, one less catholic, one more protestant.

Good the kid wasn't born yesterday though. Or the pope didn't die yesterday, well, maybe he did, they just didn't want to have his memorial day on april fools day, I can understand that.
hahaha yeah imagine that if he died on april fools day :D

congrats to the new member too :)
well, i was in Poland this weekend and OOH MY GOD, there are still people who believe in the Pope and Jezus and God and whatever other things..

people my age started to cry, they closed half of the pubs and eatplaces.. we went to church arround 22h (we went with the polish cause they hosted us and out of respect for them) but this was soooo weird to us belgians. he is like a Hero in Poland..