"The Powerless Rise" - Which amps?

I am interested in this as well.

On the studio vids I remember seeing a Framus Cobra and a Soldano SLO. Don't know if these made it into the record, tho.

The only thing Tim mention's on the band's blog is this:

This time Colin seems to have spent a little more time on the guitars because he had more resources (mainly amps & cabs that we owned) available to him. The original guitars were tracked with one amp, but in the final mix we changed our minds and Colin reamped them with a different sound. That part alone took 3 days!

*BIG TIME AILD fan here, in case you didn't notice* :D
I've worked with one of their engineers a couple times. Colin reamped with a 6505+ I believe.
Found this in one of the interviews with Nick Hipa about this album specifically:

"Amp wise, we got our rhythm tones with a Peavey 6505+ and that head actually beat out almost every other head you can think of. We tried all sorts of different heads for the rhythms such as a Randall head, a Diezel, a Engl, some Kranks, Mesa-Boogies, we tried them all, but the Peavey won out. It was the biggest shootout ever. And for the leads and stuff, we used a Soldano SLO-100."

I guess this is the answer... or at least I hope he's talking about the final reamped sound of the guitars...