The Prodigy - Narcotic Suite


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Anyone a fan? Overall I enjoy their catalog, though the three songs of the "Narcotic Suite" 3 Kilos + Skylined + Claustrophobic Sting off the Music For the Jilted Generation album are simply amazing. Most electronic music I find rather annoying, but this album and these three songs in particular simply possess something that nothing else electronic I've heard even touches. A certain ominousness, a darkness, but not presented in the way you're used to in metal...
I definitely think Claustrophobic String takes the cake in the Narcotic Suite!

And yes I am a huge fan of The Prodigy, especially the Jilted Generation album and The Fat of the Land..and surprisingly I really like the newest one - Invaders Must Die even though its quite different from their old stuff (except for Take Me To The Hospital, which just reeks of their first album)
I've listened to MFTJG maybe... 1.2 times, and TFOTL a good deal more. I think "Smack My Bitch Up" and "Breathe" are classics, and it's usually those songs that pop in my mind when I get the urge to hear Prodigy, though there are others on TFOTL I enjoy a lot too even if overall the album may be patchy compared to MFTJG.