The real Dio successor...


Jul 16, 2002
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First time I hear this cover. I said it already, but Diego Valdez just rules and is one of the very best "new" metal singers IMO. He can sing like Dio, but also do Ripper Owens-like screams. The perfect package IMO.
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First time I hear this cover. I said it already, but Diego Valdez just rules and is one of the very best "new" metal singers IMO.
I completely agree. I haven't discovered very many new singers who really impress me, with the exception Diego and Nina.

Believe it or not, I think he sounds even more like RJD with Electro_Nomicon (which I enjoy more than Helker):
Both bands are really good. Hmmm... why not have both bands play ProgPower XVI and let the crowd decide? You can have one play Friday, kicking off a night headlined by a reunited Nevermore (seriously dude, would you get on that already?) and Saturday, before Manowar. :D
kicking off a night headlined by a reunited Nevermore (seriously dude, would you get on that already?)

I like the instrumentation more in Electronomicon. "Dark Flight" is just an amazing, simple, perfect piece of music.

I'm not too crazy about instrumental songs, so this is not the song that got me hooked the band. I'll have to listen to both bands again to see which band I think is better technically.
I completely agree. I haven't discovered very many new singers who really impress me, with the exception Diego and Nina.

Both bands are really good. Hmmm... why not have both bands play ProgPower XVI and let the crowd decide? You can have one play Friday, kicking off a night headlined by a reunited Nevermore (seriously dude, would you get on that already?) and Saturday, before Manowar. :D

Never cared for Nevermore but Helker and Electronomicon would be kick ass for sure. :kickass:
I like both Helker and Electro_Nomicon a lot....but to me Triddana is the best of the three bands he's in:

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Thank you labrekk for posting this. I'd never really paid attention to these guys or Diego, but he is a fantastic singer. He needs a slight bit of work building a chorus, but overall is seriously talented. It's hard to tell if he's trying to sound like Ronnie or just naturally favors him. Either way, good call. I will have to check the Helker stuff on youtube. Seems like the best of Diego's bands for me.
Thank you labrekk for posting this.

+1. I don't take the time to search out new bands much anymore (there are so very few that impress me these days), but when I do, I come to this forum trying to find a diamond in the rough that someone has unearthed.

I haven't head of Diego or either of the bands he's in, but I do now and I'm very, very impressed. He's certainly has an incredible voice and he's also got the, "look", enhanced even more by his imposing physique. Visually, he reminds me a bit of Chuck Billy and Tom Araya.
+1. I don't take the time to search out new bands much anymore (there are so very few that impress me these days), but when I do, I come to this forum trying to find a diamond in the rough that someone has unearthed.

I haven't head of Diego or either of the bands he's in, but I do now and I'm very, very impressed. He's certainly has an incredible voice and he's also got the, "look", enhanced even more by his imposing physique. Visually, he reminds me a bit of Chuck Billy and Tom Araya.

My pleasure guys.