the real reason MTV made us re-edit I, Voyager



Ok, there is a bit of confusion regarding this subject. The part they objected to is during the sequence when I'm playing puppet master with the girls. Apparently they objected to the wine pouring from the bottle into the other one's mouth. Just this one brief part was edited out and replaced with a brief band sequence. I haven't seen the MTV edit yet so I can't really comment on it, however this is without question the most ridiculous reason to make a band edit a video that I could possibly think of. All other video outlets will be showing the original version. I can only speculate that it might have some bizzare connection to liquor advertising laws in the US. Anyway the vid will air this Saturday on Headbanger's Ball.
NoLordy Capone said:
Thanks, Warrel. Much better to know the true story. :)

Does it matter...?
"packaged and processed"'s the industry.
so it is ok for a bunch of rappers to be pouring cristal and all kinds of shit on women's boobs, yet it is not good in a metal video?

damn i feel bad for ya warrel. just trying to make a video to possibly get a few more fans and MTV jobs ya.