The Republican National Convention

metu said:

These guys are good.

Good at what? Lying? Telling us stuff that we don't already know? Telling us stuff that's already been said before and better by others? :err: Good at throwing out demonstrators? Glad to see that that smirking chimp and his GOP can't handle a little criticism.

Hopefully, Michael Moore will be accurate and we'll only have 2 more months of this moron. :loco:
Oh you know my brain's on fire, Barth. Thanks for asking. :]

I suppose I'll begin with the protest march on Sunday. For the most part, I liked what I saw. It was a very peaceful march. Most of the signs and chants were stupid at best and it was clearly the far left being most heavily represented. That's to be expected, but I think that some of the swing voters were turned off by it. I loved the chant "this is what democracy looks like" and got a kick out of "FOX news sucks." Some of the signs were clever, but the only one I remember was "more fucking less fighting." The flag covered cardboard boxes were insulting as those carrying them waved at the cameras.

I loved McCains speech. I whole-heartedly agreed with everything he said other than when he pushed for Bush's reelection. He was all about strength and allies. It's the same thing I've been screaming for the last two years. I still think that he should be our president.

Giuliani's speech was very powerful and emotional. He brought us back to the scene of the attacks with his top-notch rhetoric. He took us back to Bush's finest hour and I think that was a very effective factor throughout the convention.

Arnold was surprisingly good. He told the immigrant story which we all love so well. He compared the Democrats to Austrian socialists which had a lot of Republicans chuckling throughout the country, I'm sure. The "economic girly men" comment may be popular with die hard Republicans, but it won't play as well as they may think in the sticks.

I missed the whole third night. Once again, I missed the fireworks.

Tommy Franks made a fine speech. Bush supports veterans was a strong message form such a well respected General. I, and most of America, fully agree that we have to take the fight to the terrorists. I like the fact that he stressed the heroes welcome home for our troops.


"Good at what?"

They played every angle to brilliance. They went out into the crowd to interview the delegates. They focused on the minority delegates and did a sensational job at courting the Hispanic vote. At least one person spoke Spanish every night. They had people throughout the country at local rallies corresponding and letting them feel the thrill of being involved.

They had powerful short films preaching Bush as the best friend that they environment, the minorities, the health care system, and public education has ever had. He's not a friend to any of these, but am I just seeing things through a liberal media filter? (No I am not, but the question is raised once again.)

They had powerful short films portraying Bush as a regular all-American family man. Down home folksy imagery with his wife showing his deep concern for the American families. This was very emotional stuff which turned my stomach, but surely played very well for my neighbors.

Man of the people. Just one of you. Compassion. Religion.

Then he took the podium in the middle of the crowd.

The whole thing was political genius.


Bush's speech was well written and well delivered. It started slow and boring. But I was paying attention and I saw what he did in that early part. He said that he would keep the tax cuts perminant. Then, he spent at least ten minutes describing the new government programs that he would create to help the poor communities in America. Then he accused Kerry of wanting to expand government rather than freedom and the crowd erupted.

Then he spoke some Spanish.

Can you see the tactics involved? These guys are very good.

When he got to the war on terror, it was like a broken record. That chick flipping out and getting carried away was very well timed on her part. I agree with most of his rhetoric. I love the idea of fighting terrorism with democracy. I agree that Saddam was dangerous to the world. But his whole America and the World are safer stuff doesn't fly with me. Actually it irritates the hell out of me.

His dumbed down, down home politics don't influence me. But, I'm not his target audience. When he says, "There's nothing complicated about supporting our troops," the majority of Americans will raise their fists in the air and agree. That's absurd, though. Supporting our troops is one of the most complicated and improtant jobs that we, as citizens, and they, as Congress, and especially he, as president, have. How much of that $87.5 billion do you think went to Haliburton?

His rhetoric is as meaningless as any other politician.

Bush does not do what he says.
They actually had some protests, despite the efforts of the GOP to stop every American's right to protest the government. Two people actually made it to the convention floor during Bush's speech :tickled: and were led away by the Secret Service. This is the true face of the Republican Party - a party that won't tolerate dissent as it wraps itself in the flag, using well-worn buzzwords like, "freedom," "democracy," etc. The truth of the matter is that they behave closer to Hitler's National Socialist Party.

Bush supports veterans? :rolleyes: Puh-leez. Perhaps that's why he's voted to cut veterans benefits at every possible turn during his administration? Meanwhile, we're up to nearly 7,000 catastrophically wounded American soldiers in Iraq and Afgahnistan. These men and women will need special care for the rest of their lives. Now we're expected to pay for their health care out of their own pocket when we sent them over there in the first place? :ill:

Of course, they're going to go after the minority delegates. They need all the help they can get! A great job at courting the hispanic vote? Not bloody likely and that kind of pandering will insure that he will not get my mother's or my vote.

The best friend that public education system has ever had... :tickled: This is the same guy that failed to fund the No Child Left Behind act. Is it also a coincidence that the cost per unit at California's community colleges has gone UP twice during Bush's presidency (from $11 a unit to $18 a unit and then from $18 a unit to $26 a unit) when the tuition dropped during Clinton's ($13 a unit to $11 a unit)? Why is my Japanese teacher being forced to pay out of her own pocket for teaching supplies like instruction handouts?

Bush is not a regular American. He used his and his grandfather's status to get out of serving in Vietnam and spent the majority of his first 40 years in a drunken stupor. He also used his father's influence to avoid serving jail time for insider trading. He's a spoiled rich kid. Period. It's a genius move because he's being played to people who are even dumber than he is. Remember, the masses are asses.

I'll be back on this. I have to go to work. Then, to school.
The soundbytes I have heard from the convention winning the war on a mysterious "terror", the "safety" bush has created, the deomcrats being weak on fighting for "America", sound as if they were scripted by a Fascist or COmmunist regime. This is really getting disgusting. The faux nationalism, that covers their insatiable greed and police state is making me sick to my stomach. This is america, republicans ae supposed to be about getting the state off our backs, now they are setting up a religious police state.
I thought the RNC was good. The speeches I saw were very good. McCain's speech was good, Giuliani's speech was very powerful, and I think he did a great job. Arnold's speech was a hit, and I think he really helped the president out. It's good to see a Republican gov. in such a liberal state like California. Zell Miller was awesome. 'Nuff said. "Kerry will be defending the country with spit balls" haha. Dick Cheney kicked ass, and then there was the President. His speech was excellent. Well written, and well spoken, he did a great job. The protesters were retarded, especially the Fox News protest. Thank god a lot of them got arrested. And go ahead and attack me for my opinions, I'm used to it.
Yeah, go ahead and thank god that people who protest the government get arrested. You'd make a good, little, obediant follower in police states like Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Iran and Afghanistan where public dissent of their nation's officials was/is not tolerated - just like in America under the Bush Regime. Don't mind me, though. I know that reading a newpaper once in a while is something most Republicans are adverse at doing. Certainly explains why the majority of them I've run into are pretty clueless or had all their information spoon-fed to them through GOP approved news outlets (i.e. Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh).

The best part of Bush's speech was the protestors being led out of the building (even to those that were there. The applause wasn't as great during the rest of Bush's speech; just when the protestors were led away), despite the presence of several thousand cops and Secret Service agents around NYC and the Madison Square Garden. That's right, kids...someone's not doing their job.

Something "Zig Zag" Zell Miller (appropriately named because of his bouncing back and forth on virtually every issue he's been presented) deliberately neglected to mention in his keynote speech was that the weapons systems appropriations that Kerry had voted against (and the quote was closer to, "What will John Kerry have us defending this country with? Spit balls?") was also voted against by several Republicans, including John McCain and, then-House of Representatives delegate, Dick Cheney. Funny how it's okay when Republicans vote against a bill because it's laden with pork (a "pork barrel" bill), but when the Democrats do it...holy fuckin' shit! The world has come to an end! :p Kerry has voted against 3 measures of the 19 that he's seen in his time in Congress and post-9/11 has voted to increase spending in the defense of this nation, including weapons systems such as funding the construction of 100+ B-2 bombers (a system which Dick Cheney killed after only about 30 were made, despite protests to the contrary by the US Air Force) and others. It's not what the Republicans are saying that has me annoyed, it's that the media doesn't report their inaccuracies. Liberal media? That's nothing but a bunch of happy horse shit. If the media were liberal, they'd report it.

(It should also be pointed out that Zell Miller is a Democrat in name only and only became one in 1996 so that he could get a job with the Clinton administration. Zell was also the Chief of Staff for Lester Maddox, the Georgia governor who is well known for his civil rights violations against blacks in the 1950's and 60's. Rumor has it that his speech was part of trying to get a job working for former President George H. W. Bush. What fuckin' moron allowed this guy to be the keynote speaker for the RNC? I can only see him causing damage to Bush's chances of re-election.)

Bush's speech didn't cover any new ground...hell, it failed to mention all the great accomplishments that his adminstration has done over the last 4 years.

Oh, that's right, I forgot...they'd actually have to do something first!

Kind of funny; the Democratic National Convention was predominantly focused on John was the Republican National Convention! Is George Bush secretly trying to throw away the election? :grin:
I agree with most of your opinions Cryptkeeper. I liked the FOX news sucks chant, though. I guess that there is a giant FOX news electronic billboard on the protest route. I heard that's what inspired the chant. Regardless, I firmly believe that FOX news is bad for our country, so I got a kick out of it. I didn't see Zell's speech, but I really don't think that Kerry will be as soft as the Republicans imply. Remember, they're all politicians.


Smylex2, I think that the Hispanic vote has been well courted by this administration for the last four years. Those in New York and California won't be voting for Bush, but those in New Mexico, Arizona, and most importantly, Florida might. Kerry should start talking about the failures of NAFTA and the problems of Cuba and Haiti. He should attack the FTAA mess and applaud Brazil for putting a stop to it. Bush doesn't need more people to vote for him, he needs less people to vote for Kerry.


The Bush Administration is the worst enemy to public education in recent history, not because they didn't fund the "no child left behind" program, but because they implemented it. It was never meant to be a funded program, it was meant to "hold teachers and schools accountable" for their low achievements. This is done by cutting back existing federal aid to schools which don't have high enough standardized test scores. This means that the worst schools get punished by receiving less money. This means that rather than encouraging kids to find something they enjoy and then study it, they will be strictly teaching the standardized test. If they don't, they'll get fired by the school board which is afraid of losing the funding.

The "no child left behind" program is multiplying the already tremendous problems of the public education system. It is leaving more children behind than ever.

Bush does not do what he says.


Republicans are not the problem, the Bush administration is. It's quite clear that you give, if not get, most of your arguments from a liberal slant. I don't know what newspapers you read, but most newspaper journalists do have a liberal bias. I agree, though, that television media does not have such a slant. Television media only wants to hold our attention long enough to sell us some crap.

The problem with television news is that it's so narrowly focused. That's why most Americans on both sides of the isle and elsewhere are, to be frank, ignorant to the complexities of the issues involved. This shit is complicated, America. Turn off your tvs and read about what you care about from as many angles as possible.

What would Thomas Jefferson say about the US today?


Bush said nothing new? He all but promised universal health care!

This administration has done nothing?

The Bush administration took the fight to the enemy. They invaded and occupied two countries both of which were great targets. It's better to fight the terrorists over there than over here. We are drastically more involved in both Central and Southwest Asia. This is a good thing.

The question is, what should we do now? Afghanistan is swelling into another civil war while Iraq has almost no border security. Iran, which was on the verge of massive reforms a year ago, is thoroughly convinced that they will be attacked if Bush is re-elected (axis of evil). This is leading to widespread Iranian nationalism which is making the nuclear program more immediate, and it is leading to popular support of resistence in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Without massive increases in security these countries, and a settling of the fear of Iran, they will become failed states.

Bush is the best ally the Islamic extremists have ever had. Their propaganda, education, and brainwashing has been focused on US imperialism and its relation to Christian and Jewish aggression for years. They have been calling us an enemy of Islam. They have been accusing us of directly attacking Muslims because of their faith. In Islam, the only justification for a holy war is when your faith is being attacked. Then it becomes "by any means necessary."

Bush's religious rhetoric has become a massive tool for the Islamic extremist propaganda. He is, by far, the best weapon they've ever had. He actually called the war on terror a "crusade." He keeps saying that freedom is a gift that God gives to everyone. He follows that by declaring that he, GWB, is advancing freedom no matter what the price.

He is playing right into the religious extremists' hands. They have never had such a great recruitment tool as George W Bush. Everyone hates him, nobody trusts him, and EVERYONE is scared of him.

Bush can not win the peace. He is not spreading freedom, democracy, and hope. He is spreading hatred, mistrust, fear, and religious extremism.

Bush does not do what he says.
The war on terror is just a big joke. The us contributes the most to NORAID, a 'charity' that arms the Ira (remember the Omah bombing?). The Ira's political wing Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has been to the white house more than most Americans will ever hope to acheive.

How can anyone vote for someone that calls for a war on terrorism yet is one of the largest contributors.
Zell Miller, like Adolf Hitler, gave a great speech.

Although, I don't agree any of their rhetorics.
Great point Tye. "War on terror" is just a catchy phrase which plays well off the anger and fear of the public. The real war is against international Islamic extremist militant and terrorist networks. (This doesn't play well on our soundbyte television media and it's a pain in the ass to type out every time.) These networks can be effectively fought by spreading democracy. It would be great if Bush were actually doing that.


"The wisest use of American strength is to advance freedom." - George W Bush at the RNC, 2004

"The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear and they should be afraid, because freedom is on the march." - George W Bush at the RNC, 2004

"I believe all these things because freedom is not America's gift to the world, it is the Almighty God's gift to every man and woman in this world." - George W Bush RNC, 2004

"Like generations before us, we have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom." - George W. Bush at the RNC, 2004


If you want to wage a holy war, America, then by all means vote for Bush.
They don't call it a war on international Islamic extremist militant and terrorist networks because it takes too long to write; they call it a war on terror because Bush has already been trounced enough by calling the war on terror a "crusade," and initially calling the operation, "Operation: Infinite Justice." What do you think they want him to do? Dig himself into a deeper hole by stating that the administration is only going to be targeting Muslims (even though that's just what they're doing)?

Spreading democracy like so much butter is not going to make the situation go away. Getting rid of all religions would be a better way to bring about the end of killing in the name of "God." Remember, follow enough history and you'll find that God has been the leading cause of death around the world. :Smug:
It is not God that is killing people. Its sick twisted people like bush that kill people in the name of what? religion? or is it power and money? Its against his religion to kill so its hardly the fault of the religion is it?
Religion is not the problem. Religious intolerance is the problem. When one religion considers another one to be evil, all hell breaks loose. Religious tolerance can be spread through free speech which is the cornerstone of democracy.

While I've got your attention on this issue, Tye, in the recent years since it has been an option for Northern Ireland to vote its way to independence, has the terrorism decreased? Has it all but stopped even? Do you agree that spreading democracy can fight extremism and terrorism?


I don't think that Bush supporters realize how out of touch with reality this man is. That's my real fear. He doesn't understand how he's fueling the fire because he has the blind focus of religious conviction. He doesn't understand how difficult it is to establish a democracy because he doesn't know jack shit about the world.

A vote for Bush is a vote to abandon Afghanistan and Iraq and invade Iran.

He means well, but he doesn't understand.

This war may take a century. We'll be fighting these same extremist elements in Central Africa in fifty years. Most Bush supporters are unwilling to look beyond the present. We have to look at the long term goals and understand the obstacles for what they are.
metu said:
While I've got your attention on this issue, Tye, in the recent years since it has been an option for Northern Ireland to vote its way to independence, has the terrorism decreased? Has it all but stopped even? Do you agree that spreading democracy can fight extremism and terrorism?


Not sure what you mean by the first paragraph. N.I has been a democracy for a long time now. Sure some people will say it is not so since it is ruled by Britian but we have freedom. The problem is that other countries that sponsor terrorists here which keeps the fight going and harming the innocent. While terrorism may be more underground here, it is hardly unheard of. Remember the Omah bombing? That killed lots of N.Irish as well as 2 Spanish tourists.

I am sure that Iraqi's like the US's democracy but maybe not their guns and bombs.

The Americans need to get rid of bush so that they can have a country that is admired once more.
Yes I remember the Omah bombing.

My point is that since the specific issue of independence was entered into the democratic system, the terrorists have had less sympathy and support in Northern Ireland. Do you agree with this?

The US military does far more good for the world than bad. Iraq is a prime example.
"The US military does far more good for the world than bad. Iraq is a prime example."

Abu Ghraib - "The seven others indicted are military police soldiers. One of them, Private Jeremy Sivits, pleaded guilty at a special court martial held in Baghdad in May and was sentenced to a year in prison and other penalties."

And from last night "Two children and a journalist for an Arabic TV news channel, al-Arabiyya, were among those killed."

Actually charities such as NORAID are just as popular so sympathy for terrorists here has not declined.