Yeah, go ahead and thank god that people who protest the government get arrested. You'd make a good, little, obediant follower in police states like Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Iran and Afghanistan where public dissent of their nation's officials was/is not tolerated - just like in America under the Bush Regime. Don't mind me, though. I know that reading a newpaper once in a while is something most Republicans are adverse at doing. Certainly explains why the majority of them I've run into are pretty clueless or had all their information spoon-fed to them through GOP approved news outlets (i.e. Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh).
The best part of Bush's speech was the protestors being led out of the building (even to those that were there. The applause wasn't as great during the rest of Bush's speech; just when the protestors were led away), despite the presence of several thousand cops and Secret Service agents around NYC and the Madison Square Garden. That's right, kids...someone's not doing their job.
Something "Zig Zag" Zell Miller (appropriately named because of his bouncing back and forth on virtually every issue he's been presented) deliberately neglected to mention in his keynote speech was that the weapons systems appropriations that Kerry had voted against (and the quote was closer to, "What will John Kerry have us defending this country with? Spit balls?") was also voted against by several Republicans, including John McCain and, then-House of Representatives delegate, Dick Cheney. Funny how it's okay when Republicans vote against a bill because it's laden with pork (a "pork barrel" bill), but when the Democrats do it...holy fuckin' shit! The world has come to an end!
Kerry has voted against 3 measures of the 19 that he's seen in his time in Congress and
post-9/11 has voted to increase spending in the defense of this nation, including weapons systems such as funding the construction of 100+ B-2 bombers (a system which Dick Cheney killed after only about 30 were made, despite protests to the contrary by the US Air Force) and others. It's not what the Republicans are saying that has me annoyed, it's that the media doesn't report their inaccuracies. Liberal media? That's nothing but a bunch of happy horse shit. If the media were liberal, they'd report it.
(It should also be pointed out that Zell Miller is a Democrat in name only and only became one in 1996 so that he could get a job with the Clinton administration. Zell was also the Chief of Staff for Lester Maddox, the Georgia governor who is well known for his civil rights violations against blacks in the 1950's and 60's. Rumor has it that his speech was part of trying to get a job working for former President George H. W. Bush. What fuckin' moron allowed this guy to be the keynote speaker for the RNC? I can only see him causing damage to Bush's chances of re-election.)
Bush's speech didn't cover any new ground...hell, it failed to mention all the great accomplishments that his adminstration has done over the last 4 years.
Oh, that's right, I forgot...
they'd actually have to do something first!
Kind of funny; the Democratic National Convention was predominantly focused on John was the Republican National Convention! Is George Bush secretly trying to throw away the election?