The return of the living dead gummy worms


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
This gummy worms have me thinking about the impact of spoiling kids and how it could change their lifes. Do you think that our personality is somehow affected during our childhood years? if you spoil a kid too much does he grow to be selfish and greedy? could it be just a factor but personal choise at the end? could good parentship solve most society problems or at least help a little? what do you think of parents today?. I personally think they do a lousy job, that mineones did a lousy job and that this chain could go on and on if i dont brake it, i think not everyone has what its need to be a parent and if you dont you should keep your pants on the world will thank you.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
what do you think of parents today?. I personally think they do a lousy job, that mineones did a lousy job and that this chain could go on and on if i dont brake it, i think not everyone has what its need to be a parent and if you dont you should keep your pants on the world will thank you.

What should a parent do to do a good job?
Not everyone's perfect >:eek:P
I still love my father, even though he didn't
do the best job as a parent. He's still the
perfect father for me, I wouldn't want
anyone else.

Other than that; I think I'll enjoy this thread...
I want to see how many people who
"get it" >:eek:P Good one misanthope!

And; I might come back on the "spoiling of
the kids" part, but not right now :eek:)
Not perfect i dont think it requiers one to be perfect, but sometimes you need more things beside love, love being important but other things matter too. My parents were so so but they never put me atention they focus on my sister and live me on my own terms, wich honestly its refreshing not all 16 years old in the world can come completly drunk at 10 am it had its merits but since i couldnt afford a psicologist by myself and they ignored my requests, it has its downsides too.
Currently my parents, and my girlfriends parents are on holidays, and we have to look after each of their dogs, My parents dog, Otie, and my girlfriends parents dog, Scruffy. Now, Otie is treated normally by my parents, and though he is an attention seeker, and comes to you for constant loves, he doesn't demand it. Actually, he's a terrified little thing, and always comes crawling up to you.

But scruffy is a little bitch, she's been spoiled so much that she demands attention, and if she doesn't get what she wants, she finds the best way to torment you, whining, making noise, scratching, attacking the other dog, biting, pissing and shitting in the house.

Good little example of how different upbringings effect behavior. But I hate dogs, and in this house, they will live by the law of the rolled up newspaper.

But onto parents, well, generally, I have not yet met a person who is fit to be a parent.

Every parent teaches their child there disgusting faults, which will be passed down through generations.

A child is either neglected, and will run wild, or is smothered, which makes them into a ticking bomb. My girfriend has a brother, who has been turned into a MONSTER unintentionally by her parents, because they didn't know what the hell they were doing.

Parents don't know how to disciplin children, or how to teach them.

I'm not saying that I'd be a good parent, I don't even want to try. Those are just my observations.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Do you think that our personality is somehow affected during our childhood years?

The answer is obvious: Of course it is. We learn the most in our childhood & youth, especially our behavior and our values...
I get really mad when a parent used TV and video games as babysitting devices, leaving them unsupervised, then complains if they watch something they deem "objectionable", then seek to destroy that "objectionable" thing so absolutely no one can have the choice to play that game or watch that show.
You knew I would reply to this one :rolleyes:

There is no such thing as perfect parenting. We as parents have lived and learned through a few more generations than you've lived, and have picked up many good and bad habits along the way.

You, the kid, are still an individual. We, the parent, can't change that - at least a good parent should be able to realize that. My job as a parent is to guide my kids the best I can, then send them out into the world on the best path I know. What's good for me may not be good for them, but what else do I have to work with? I only have my knowledge to pass to them - not Einsteins, or anyone else's knowledge.

Also - I'm not there 24/7. I don't interact with my kids friends, and I'm not part of their social circle. So how can I decide what choices my kids should make when I'm not even living their life? I can't. I can only pass what I consider my best judgement down, and show them the importance of being a "good" person.

And I could never say I know my kids the best of anybody - my kids know themselves better. They don't tell me everything, thus, I am not 100% informed to make the absolute decisions for them.

I certainly don't think I'm the perfect parent - I look back and doubt things I've said and done all the time, but I don't let it hinder me. Kids make as many mistakes as we parents do, but are less inclined to admit it [IMO].

I parent my way, and only my way. We've only had my parents as baby sitters, and very rarely at that. My wife took a job at the school, so she could be home when the kids were growing up. That way, we wouldn't be spending money for someone else to bring up our kids. I don't believe in grades - I believe in effort. I've always asked my kids to ask themselves - if you feel you've put in 100% effort, than good for you (even if the grades aren't good). So I listen to Opeth and metal and act like a kid while most parents my age "seem" older. That's my way - it works for me. I never adjusted my style to suit anyone - I entered parenting blind (as ALL parents do), and learned along the way. Sometimes, people just learn when it's too late.

Of course everything I do at home, every way I act, everything I say, rubs off on my kids, and becomes part of them (in big and small ways). I could be accused of "spoiling" my kids, but I also teach them the value of hard work and the $ - so they see both sides.

So my answer to all of this is: I think my wife and I did a damn good job parenting. And it's a question only we need to answer - not our kids. I must of been close to 30 before I realized really how good my parents did at bringing us up. Most of you aren't there yet.

Read about the psychology of children and adults - it's interesting. The whole thing about kids hitting certain ages (16 or so), and the natural instinct is to break out on their own, become an individual, etc. I can't, and haven't tried to stop that. I've tried to work with it. I balance giving my kids space with teaching and protecting the best I can. I know the way it is - I don't expect a thank-you every day, nor do I deserve one. I made a choice to be a parent, and it's my duty to uphold my end of the bargain, and hope my kids do their part (whatever that may be).
@metalmancpa: Agreed but one thing is not being involved in their lives, another thing is ignore them i mean if suddenly your kids teacher comes to you and tells you your kid tried to commit suicide and then this whole ammount of problems is released and you didnt even knew about them, dont you think that parent would need to put more atention to what goes on under his nose? is not about being your kids friend and know him in every aspect but i know of cases like that when kids are completly neglected and left to their own terms cause of economical or other shorts of issues the parents also have to deal with. Belial told us a good example about his parents, this is what im talking about would his life would be any different at all if he had lived in another type of family? I wonder...
Originally posted by Misanthrope
@metalmancpa: Agreed but one thing is not being involved in their lives, another thing is ignore them i mean if suddenly your kids teacher comes to you and tells you your kid tried to commit suicide and then this whole ammount of problems is released and you didnt even knew about them, dont you think that parent would need to put more atention to what goes on under his nose? is not about being your kids friend and know him in every aspect but i know of cases like that when kids are completly neglected and left to their own terms cause of economical or other shorts of issues the parents also have to deal with. Belial told us a good example about his parents, this is what im talking about would his life would be any different at all if he had lived in another type of family? I wonder...

Well, some already know this - I pay attention to my kids, love them, keep totally involved in their lives, and have been doing this for 18 years. Well, my 16 year old daughter has attempted suicide more than once - and I've been dealing with "these" problems for well over a year. I didn't see it coming - so released unto me was an entirely new life to deal with - a whole new set of priorities. In my daughters case - it had nothing to do with us not paying attention - to date, it seems chemical in nature. Being in and out of hospitals - I've met and talked with many kids - and a lot of depressive and suicidal problems do stem from shitty childhhods - broken homes - etc. But my daughters problems are no different - she suffers all the same, and so does my wife and I.

I know a lot about teenage depression and all that goes with it. I'm on the other end looking in - and feel helpless. But we will march on - and hope we can give my daughter what she needs.

If I understand yours and others plights, I truely do feel sorry, but you know it's only you who can make the situation better. You either fight it, or find the smallest of openings to move forward. I don't care how good of a parent I may be - my daughter has to find that light inside of her to move forward - we can only show her the way.
Originally posted by Morningrise
Who here thinks Metalmancpa is the coolest dad to ever walk the face of this earth?
I do!

don't want to spoil it, but i think my parents are the best on earth.

BTW, metalmancpa, is your familiy aware of your presence here? did f.e. your wife ever read your posts? or is this your small private space which you keep apart from them and where you can argue and talk about things like in this thread?
sorry, just curious. i for one keep my posts rather confidental. people who know me physically could read too much from my written thoughts, and that might not be good.
@Metalmancpa...exellent post. Tell me more about your kids schooling and how u believe in effort over grades?? Has this worked and indeed does it show in their grades?
The two most valuable things I learnt as a child were the value of money and 'never cry over spilt milk' <---I believe this is a metaphor for taking responsibility for one's actions. Too many parents scare their kids into not being responsible for their own actions. (IMO)
My older brother never learnt the value of money and has never taken responsibility for any of his actions. He has been outcasted by his family (extended and immediate), finds it hard to stay in jobs(because he has no understanding of responsibility or respect for others) and at nearly 30 years of age has nothing to show for over 10years in the workforce!
Now personally I can not see how any of this can be placed on the far as I can tell he just wasn't interested in learning about life until it smacked him fair in the face. Of course now I fear it's too late.
Maybe i'm missing the point.....I see the problem these days as filthy welfare cheats milking the system and who see having children as mere zeroes on the end of their tax payer funded holiday pay!!!
Get off your fucking fat asses. Stop milking the cash cow that is the western government and start contributing to society. I mean how fucked up would you be if you grew up with your parents only glad to see you because they know your beefing up there income?
Originally posted by VultureCulture

don't want to spoil it, but i think my parents are the best on earth.

BTW, metalmancpa, is your familiy aware of your presence here? did f.e. your wife ever read your posts? or is this your small private space which you keep apart from them and where you can argue and talk about things like in this thread?
sorry, just curious. i for one keep my posts rather confidental. people who know me physically could read too much from my written thoughts, and that might not be good.

My wife and kids know about this board - and I don't hide when I'm on it. We've discussed certain threads and topics - but it still is comfortably my own space.

Oh yeah - and good for you - nice to hear about a good family relationship - and nothing spoiled here.
@Metalmancpa: Nice but realize this was but an example. I know ( i dont know it just shows ) that you dont neglect your kids and that your daughter problems are not related to i didnt meant to acuse you of such a thing i apologize if it looked like that, but i was rather trying to give an example. Lets look at Belial's case for a while ( i hope he doesnt mind ). He has told us how the school sent him to therapy and he was even mocked by his family and he was always neglected and ignored cause of financial problems going around. Now that is 1 side of the story im aware but lets just look at that. Do you think his parents are still not responsable just because they are not perfect? or do you think they could had think better about the efford of having kids before making the desicion of bringing life to the world? i think there are alot of people in his case when parents really need to take a hard look at themselves and reconsider what they have done but what do you think?
Originally posted by sinsofman
@Metalmancpa...exellent post. Tell me more about your kids schooling and how u believe in effort over grades?? Has this worked and indeed does it show in their grades?
The two most valuable things I learnt as a child were the value of money and 'never cry over spilt milk' <---I believe this is a metaphor for taking responsibility for one's actions. Too many parents scare their kids into not being responsible for their own actions. (IMO)
My older brother never learnt the value of money and has never taken responsibility for any of his actions. He has been outcasted by his family (extended and immediate), finds it hard to stay in jobs(because he has no understanding of responsibility or respect for others) and at nearly 30 years of age has nothing to show for over 10years in the workforce!
Now personally I can not see how any of this can be placed on the far as I can tell he just wasn't interested in learning about life until it smacked him fair in the face. Of course now I fear it's too late.
Maybe i'm missing the point.....I see the problem these days as filthy welfare cheats milking the system and who see having children as mere zeroes on the end of their tax payer funded holiday pay!!!
Get off your fucking fat asses. Stop milking the cash cow that is the western government and start contributing to society. I mean how fucked up would you be if you grew up with your parents only glad to see you because they know your beefing up there income?

My son is a freshman in college. He graduated 13th in his high school class with a 3.9+ GPA. He busts his ass and works for every grade he gets - it does not come easy. It's not about being purely smart with him - it's about the effort.

My daughter is like me - she is naturally smart - but sometimes gets lazy and bored, and loses focus. Her drive just isn't the same - just like I was in schooling. She gets really good grades, but I (and she) knows she could do better.

To the outside world - we are constantly reminded (my wife and I) about how "good" our kids are - respectful, etc. Makes us feel good, but also makes us feel we've done the best parenting possible.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
@Metalmancpa: Nice but realize this was but an example. I know ( i dont know it just shows ) that you dont neglect your kids and that your daughter problems are not related to i didnt meant to acuse you of such a thing i apologize if it looked like that, but i was rather trying to give an example. Lets look at Belial's case for a while ( i hope he doesnt mind ). He has told us how the school sent him to therapy and he was even mocked by his family and he was always neglected and ignored cause of financial problems going around. Now that is 1 side of the story im aware but lets just look at that. Do you think his parents are still not responsable just because they are not perfect? or do you think they could had think better about the efford of having kids before making the desicion of bringing life to the world? i think there are alot of people in his case when parents really need to take a hard look at themselves and reconsider what they have done but what do you think?

Life does suck from both sides of the coin, but I do agree with you on your point about "thinking" about bringing kids into the world. Way too many people have kids when they shouldn't. They have no idea of the dynamics of the world - many can't see the big picture.

Just because I feel I have the ability to know my place in life with my kids - I am but one person. How many people actually think about their own kids plight - about how social and economic times are different then when we were kids? Those differences have a huge effect on growing up. I think teenagers today have such an impossible task of growing up in this complex world full of contradictions. Do good in school, get great grades, go to great college - you will make lots of money and be successful. BULLSHIT. Define success for me - but when you do it with me, you can't include money. That does not define success - only surface success. I know too many rich assholes in this world. Sure - I'd love a lot of money, because I like to spend it. So even though life revolves around money - my psyche doesn't.

As far as therapy? I think most everybody today should be taking a pill based on the diagnoses of diseases today. I porbably need 3 or 4 to "stabalize" myself. But I as the parent do much research, and even though I depend on the medical field to decide what is best - I don't do it without a handful of different opinions. That's where some parents make the mistake - they don't work hard enough at their end. They're too quick to pull the trigger and blame the kid, without realizing kids today are exposed to a world more of shit then when they were kids.

Just my opinion.
You are who you are. Your parents have no bearing on that. Your personality is how it is, regardless of how your parents treated you, or brought you up.

I wasn't raised in a 'musical' family, my brother (23) listens to Korn and Limpbizkit, and he is totally ignorant to anything to do with music.... Yet I have played guitar for about 12/13 years and i played piano for about 4 years, no-one has 'converted' me into heavy-metal, yet i listen to Cynic, Athiest, Death, Opeth, Nevermore etc... All these bands I have 'searched' for, without anyone (especially NOT my parents...!) 'showing me the way'. In fact, i don't even have any freinds that listen to metal, it was just 'in me' from the start.

My parents did an ok job at raising myself and my brother, but they were far from 'great' parents.

Yes, parents CAN and DO have an effect on things like Self-Esteem and Courage, and i suppose in a way they can effect how honest you are with yourself about who you are.

...BUT!! Some things are just 'in' you, 'in' your mind. I have had no-one guiding me to 'who i am'. I have no freinds that are ANYTHING like me. Most of my freinds listen to radio-rock (korn, slipknot) or Hip-Hop/(c)Rap...

Why is this, do you think??

I was raised in a semi-religious family, I ALWAYS went to private-religious schools, and ALWAYS paid attention in those classes. I never had people/parents telling me that i 'should' or 'shouldn't' beleive in that bullshit, i just made the choice for myself not to 'beleive'....

Another thing is my spirituality (not religion, two TOTALLY different things...!!), i have not been 'taught' this by my parents, i have just thought about it, and gained my own sense of spiritual reality and realization. 'The soul' is a very real thing in my mind, and life is simply a phase in a 'journey'... Music and Thought are the two reasons that i am here.

My parents NEVER gave me any space or freedom. They were extremely over-protective and smothering, yet my personality and my soul are the strongest part of me, and altough i am not the most confident person around, i have not been crushed by my parent's (insane...) protectiveness. In some ways, it has helped me realize that 'behind the eyes is a place no one will be able to touch'.

For those of you that beleive that parents TOTALLY make a child, then please explain some of these things to me...!!
My parents did do a good job, but I can't think of anything they did do. I'm glad they didn't do anything though, I mean maybe they did do stuff when I was younger that I can't remember. They helped me with my homework and tried to get me to do good in school, but other than that I just do whatever and they don't bother me, I think if they did try to interrogate me and pry into everything I do I would have ended up a lot worse.