The return of the "Sex Sells" deal....haha...


Sep 25, 2009
Well not so much that its physically selling but the cross over of putting a female figure in something to further appease the eyes...

Dont know if any of you guys have seen this, but....



Looks like Heavenly has even dipped into that territory. Im not to sure many of you will really get Lost in your "eyes"
What the hell did I just watch? Aside from the show that was a pretty trippy video anyway.
That video was pretty friggin' bad.

The song doesn't help either. Heavenly has put some very quality material in the past, but this was subpar both visually and aurally.
That video was pretty friggin' bad.

The song doesn't help either. Heavenly has put some very quality material in the past, but this was subpar both visually and aurally.

Nope you are wrong, I love this track and this new album. The video regardless of the girl was pretty cool reminded of a modern day Bohemian Rhapsody
LMAO! The girl is sooooo out of place in this video. Reminds me of when King's X had the two girls dancing in their video "Alone". Totally unnecessary!
whoa. The half naked girls at the beginning was stupid enough. Then there's full frontal near the end so um.... 100% NSFW. Surprised the age restriction didn't pop up on this thing.
Wow. This is... so pathetic. I thought the Carpe Diem album cover was maybe just a horrible misstep, but I was apparently wrong.

"Hi, everyone! We're Heavenly, and boobs are awesome. PLEASE LIKE US!"