The right tempo


Mar 31, 2009
So I am trying to release a solo album, but I have the hardest time getting the tempo of my songs right. I didn't really notice it until I showed a friend a song that I thought was damn near perfect when I recorded/mixed it, but then he said it was kind of slow, and I really couldn't stop noticing it !!

So now I have a really hard time gauging what feels right, especially with a poppier song that I am trying to finish right now. I originally recorded it at 156bpm, so the riff sounds just right, but I wrote the lyrics and harmonies at a much later date, like a year later! And the chorus feels much better at 150, and I can also actually sing it better when playing guitar/singing at that tempo or else I feel really rushed at 156. But take it down to 150, and the main riff and bridge just seem so damn slow listening back! I don't know where to compromise, would it be weird to have the chorus actually slow down?? Or maybe I'm just too used to it at 156?

How do you decide what the right tempo is? I feel like maybe everything I do, I should just make it 3-6bpm faster than I compose it at. But when I do that it just fucks up the feel! Anyone do small tempo changes in a song to get it flowing or would that be weird?
I think it's pretty common to push/pull the tempo in various sections of the song to help keep a dynamic feel. Slowing down a bit for the big epic chorus, for instance.