The Ring


Tyrant in Distress
Anyone else see this movie yet? Holy shit, it was awesome. Scariest movie I've ever seen, just plain creepy. I can't recommend it enough. Good acting, great script, brilliant directing, and creepy as hell. Did I mention creepy?

Anyway, go see it, unless you scare easily, in which case you might die. Ok, so it wasn't THAT scary, but it did kind of creep me out, and that's not very common.
I's hasn't seens it yet. It won't be's downunder for several weeks now. But ya'll should know that this film is another Hollywood rip off of a Japanese film (of the same name) and, from what's I's heard, shot almost scene for scene from the original one but with a bits of Americana add to make it seem original.
Now, The Pimp ain't ripping on this film. The Pimp ain't even seen it yet. But if ya'll want scary, and I's mean scary, ya'll be wantin' to watch the original "Ring". Then ya'll should be watching "Ring 2" & "Ring: Birthday" (the pre-qual story).
Ya'll be enjoying these films if ya'll be seein' them.
The Pimp NeonBlack:rock: :flame: :wave: :hotjump:
Well, I'm not sure if it's the same one, I don't see how they could make a sequel to it. A prequel is a possibility, but I don't see why it would be called "Birthday" since there's no relevant birthday's to the backstory. Anyway, so what if it was an adaptation of another film; I'd rather watch it where I can just enjoy it instead of having to read subtitles or worse have it dubbed. I'll go research and see if it is a remake or not.
I hope the movie is better than the previews suggest, because the entire movie looks like complete cheese. Looked like just another movie that was made to get american teens to waste their time and money on a plot that took 3 minutes to think up, but after I found out that it was a remake of an asian movie, I'm thinking that they might've decided to bring it to the states just because it was so good. I'll check it out on video once it comes out, probably
to dead6skin6mask6,
No! I's ain't from the Alabama of Australia. One thing ya'll should know 'bout Australia is that, unlike America where you have all the Rednecks confined to the "South", we have them everywere. If they ain't in one of the major cities, there all basically Rednecks! It's a really City vs. Country thing here. My best mate recently moved to a Country Town in NSW called Griffith, and it ain't nothin' but hicks.
And to jimbohickville:
Yes. It is the same film as the Japanese one. It has the same plot & everythin'. Mysterious video. People die after watchin' it. Huge twist at the end 'bout who did it. And there is a sequal and pre-qual out, ya'll just need to really look for them. But I's not really sure if the pre-qual is called "Birthday", that's just the info I's got from a brief artical ages ago.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Found a website with info about the japanese movies, but I won't post a link 'cause they give tons of spoilers. There were 4 movies made actually. There was a sequel which was released simultaneously but was supposedly really sucky, so then they made a Ring 2, which was the real sequel and was supposedly decent, but not nearly as good. Then they made a prequel, and yeah it is called Birthday, go figure. It's supposedly more drama and less horror, but excellent nonetheless and very informative about the back story. Then, there's the remake, which is supposedly a nearly frame-by-frame remake, which I think is cool, actually. It lets me enjoy the original movie and be able to digest all the dialog (easier to just listen than read) since it's in my language. I wish more remakes were that way. I'm gonna look into getting the prequel if I can and I'll probably check out the original just to see how it was done.

Thanks for the info.
"hahahahaha theres a TON of movie theaters around here."
You have to understand, I live in a small town. Small town. Our population is about 11,000 people.