the river rats

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
this gets its own thread

so, im drunk. and i have the river rats to thank for it.

a couple of guys from work with to the river rats convention in town. the river rats started as a group of vietnam fighter guys and have since added a bunch of people. so there we are, watching the dos gringos guy (one of the guys couldnt get a kitchen pass) sing about fighter stuff, drinkin beer. basically just having a good military time. then the show ends and we go to the free bar. holy shit do these people know how to drink. after the show we just stood there and talked to guys. POW's, MIG killers, etc. me and bugs were the youngest guys there (by ALOT), but its fuckin awesome to talk to these guys. our wars are fuckin pussy wars compared to what these guys went through. my biggest hardship from being deployed was the bar running out of captain, so i had to drink jose instead. these guys did real shit.

and yeah, im just rambling. but fuck, we had a good time. just drinking and talking to people.

oh, and they know how to make a fuckin drink. COKE IS JUST FOR COLOR!