

May 9, 2006
Any tips on getting rid of 'em ? The back of my house is appearing full of rat shit every night. First, it was one of those regular-sized rats that was climbing the wall, and now it is one of those small annoying rats, not bigger than the size of a hand. Instant-rat poison is no longer sold (legally) on Brazil, only those traps that has some seeds with a protein that disables all vitamin A on the rat body, and in one week the rat bleeds to death. But I don't wanna see my house fully crapped for one more week :s

Any tips? Any tips for making 'em not coming back?


Edit: please move this to the off-topic forum :D
Try to find out where they're getting in and seal it off permanently, then put a bunch of rat traps (anything that kills them instantly, like those old fashioned generic ones you see on cartoons) near the area where they're most likely coming in, on both sides. Check the traps often to see if your seal has been effective. Usually when rats are coming into a house it's due to something simple like a broken foundation vent screen or a flaw in the construction that has left a big gap in a wall for pests to enter.

It usually involves climbing under your house with a flashlight, which always sucks, but if you find any possible points of entry, you can seal it with some hardware cloth from your local hardware or building supply store, which looks like this:


Rats will chew through drywall if they want in bad enough, so the idea is to keep them from even getting in under the foundation. They'll also fuck your insulation up under there by making homes in it. Really nasty shit.
Dude +1 for cats.
I got 3 of them & the last time i saw a rat was about 2 years ago, dead on my backdoor step. Thanks to my Biggest cat called Ratbag. Shes a beast
Yeah, I know the cats things. We had three (it should've been for but my neighbor's pitbull ate one of my cats), and rats appeared once, were both eaten, and then vanished for good until now. We had to give away 'em because I have asthma and I am allergic as fuck to everything, and both my daughters are too, specially the youngest.

I just read Murphy's thread...OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG, i laughed my ass off on this one ahahah how did I miss this thread? ahaha

So, the thing is, the fucking rat climbs my house's wall, and 'jumps' to the floor - I've seen it, the floor is like 10 feet tall. The big one we killed a month ago with poison came every night but I think this one is leaving on my house. EDIT: I JUST SAW THE MOTHERFUCKER JUMP FROM MY WALL INTO A BIG PLANT WE HAVE! MOTHERFUCKER!!! I will PM James and ask for his gun lol

Seriously, I don't know what to do. I've read on the internet putting corn flour mixed with cement to make the rats dry (imagine a cement ball inside their stomach \m/ ), or raw beans (they have some substance that kill small animals). I also have tought of some weird traps, but I am not sure any of 'em will work. Actually I wanted a solution that will last.

Do you know what's worse? There is nothing fun for then in here. We don't have food in there, it is NOT warm, it just has a bunch of stuff to clean floors, stuff to kill bugs...maybe it wants to get stoned :s

I am not sure I'll do this. A pack of cement is $20. The house keeper told me near her house a prohibited kind of venom is sold for around $3. It is a very sick stuff that can kill even human in less than 20 min. I am thinking of that.
Whoa, I hope your daughters are pretty old if you're going to put poison that will kill a human all around your house...
No, not only at the back of the house. ONe of my daughters is os plasters and the other is just 10mo, never goes there.

Man, I just saw. It is not ONE rat. 5. FIVE DISGUTING A family!!!! And I think they're coming from my neighbor's house.
That sucks! Get one of those siamese cats that doesn't have any hair, at least some people which are allergic don't react to them because there isn't cat hair flying around everywhere. I don't know how easy it is to get hold of one of those though.

Edit: I just googled it, and it looks as if the hairless cat helping against allergy is a myth :(
Yeah, the problem is not the hair, it is the saliva. It has some friggin' protein and that's what causes allergy, not the actual hair. People think it is the hair because cats lick themselves, and so the saliva is all over the body. The worst thing is that this protein stays for around 6 months on the ambient, so if you've got a cat today on your home, only in 6 months you'll be free from allergens on your home :s Sucks.

My wife was going to pickup one of our cats on her mom's, but I just talked to the neighbor and he put some venom for the rats and they're eating it. I don't know if those Vitamin-K-disabling-poison-thing do harm to cats, but she prefers to avoid killing the cat. I'd say it would be colateral damage eheheh So we're stuck with those disgusting things crapping on the back of our house.