The Rudy Parris/Mikael Åkerfeldt Connection

Mr. Niel

Join Date: Sept. 2002
Dec 27, 2005
Orlando, FL, USA
So I'm perusing the latest Guitar World on the can and I come across the typical near the end of the magazine advertisement for "LEARN AMAZING CHOPS NOW AND SOLO BETTER THAN ANYBODY EVER BY SENDING US MONEY!!!" Bored and somehow amused by the ridiculous wording of the ad, I get to the end of it and where it has a few artist testimonials about this guy Rudy Parris who is supposed to be some super reknowned guitarist that you've never heard of that tours with Hank III, lo and behold under Dez Fafara's testimonial is a "Michael Akerfelt (Opeth)":

"I first met Rudy in Seattle where he came up to me and asked if he could try out my Martin 00016. And man, did he play it...he put me to shame on that day and I've been practicing my chops on a more regular basis since then. This guy's got true raw talent and is quite honestly one of the very best and most soulful guitar players and singers I've heard in recent years."

So sure, I bet the guy's a great guitarist, but the way the rest of the ad is worded selling his "how to" DVD's is downright hilarious. I'm just wondering if Mike actually has even met this person.
"I first met Rudy in Seattle where he came up to me and asked if he could try out my Martin 00016. And man, did he play it...he put me to shame on that day and I've been practicing my chops on a more regular basis since then. This guy's got true raw talent and is quite honestly one of the very best and most soulful guitar players and singers I've heard in recent years."

That doesn't really sound like something Mike would say. I'm skeptical.
""I first met Rudy in Seattle where he came up to me and asked if he could try out my Martin 00016. And man, did he play it...he put me to shame on that day and I've been practicing my chops on a more regular basis since then. This guy's got true raw talent and is quite honestly one of the very best and most soulful guitar players and singers I've heard in recent years."

It sounds like American english to me.... Definitly issnt the same language Mike uses from what I've heard. But you never know.
haha silvanus, this interview was before ghost reveries and they DID just use non-standard tuning for that...
i hope that link is wrong, cause you can say w/e you want bu i dont dig the fact that it says he's down tuning his guitars for the next albums.

I take it you didn't like Ghost Reveries then?

It's true that downtuning/drop tunings CAN produce predictable, repetitive riffing, but I trust Mike and Pete to come up with awesome stuff, just as they did with GR.

I actually hope it is. The direction they took with Ghost Reveries is the right one imo, and I hope they keep developing it.

just watch.....the next opeth album is gonna be even more "accessible" than Ghost Reveries....simpler melodies, more clean vox, and less complex drumming.

so if you like boring music, then YAY :)
just watch.....the next opeth album is gonna be even more "accessible" than Ghost Reveries....simpler melodies, more clean vox, and less complex drumming.

so if you like boring music, then YAY :)

What makes you think it's going to be any more accessible? Everything Mike has said in regards to the next album completely contradicts that.

As Mike has said, its going to be 'dark, twisted and evil'. That doesn't sound at all 'accessible' to me.

While it may sound very naive and fanboyish of me to say this, Opeth aren't going to simplify their music or make it 'easier' to listen to for the masses. They're about creating interesting, unpredictable music, not conforming to the norm in order to make more cash.

Having said that, everyone has their price. I just hope you're wrong and that Mike et al will stick to their beliefs.
just watch.....the next opeth album is gonna be even more "accessible" than Ghost Reveries....simpler melodies, more clean vox, and less complex drumming.

so if you like boring music, then YAY :)

So you're making a prediction? or you're speaking from a point of view which is based on some facts of which we are unaware? Please enlighten us.
So I'm perusing the latest Guitar World on the can and I come across the typical near the end of the magazine advertisement for "LEARN AMAZING CHOPS NOW AND SOLO BETTER THAN ANYBODY EVER BY SENDING US MONEY!!!" Bored and somehow amused by the ridiculous wording of the ad, I get to the end of it and where it has a few artist testimonials about this guy Rudy Parris who is supposed to be some super reknowned guitarist that you've never heard of that tours with Hank III, lo and behold under Dez Fafara's testimonial is a "Michael Akerfelt (Opeth)":

"I first met Rudy in Seattle where he came up to me and asked if he could try out my Martin 00016. And man, did he play it...he put me to shame on that day and I've been practicing my chops on a more regular basis since then. This guy's got true raw talent and is quite honestly one of the very best and most soulful guitar players and singers I've heard in recent years."

So sure, I bet the guy's a great guitarist, but the way the rest of the ad is worded selling his "how to" DVD's is downright hilarious. I'm just wondering if Mike actually has even met this person.

Yes Mike has met Rudy. I was there when they met and Mike was absolutley floored watching Rudy play.

Watch Rudy on this youtube clip


and ask yourself if there is any doubt..........
Looks like they've met before, and the interview seems completely real.

i know i know that guy from somewhere... sorry if i sound stupid or something, but whos the guy just left of mike?
I don't know about this guy. People make shit up online all the time. Although, we obviously don't know Mikael either, so how can we tell if it's "really" him or not?