The Scythes of Bodom Board


Mar 9, 2004
So, I joined this forum when it began, and I posted in it fairly regularly.
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I think you're right. I would post there regularly also...... and then it started getting a little boring because everyone was posting stupid threads.... and yes.... alot of people on there sound very young.
Thanatopsis said:
So, I joined this forum when it began, and I posted in it fairly regularly. Then more people joined, and I lost interest because its seemingly gone towards a younger fanbase it seems and less and less "mature" not like this board is mature by any standard, haha. The Off Topic forum had gone way beyond ridiculous. But with threads like: or or it made me wonder if Bodom's largest constituency of fans lies in the younger teen age group. I realize that many people become fascinated with a band, and thus want to know everything about them including tatoos....or are merely ignorant as to the music and can post on a forum for a band yet not know who is really playing in the band, but here is my you ladies and gentlemen think that Bodom's fanbase lies in these "kids"? Maybe I a being a little harsh on these people, but some of them are just....stupid. And by the way, all the mods at SOB, you're probably some of the most patient people ever, haha. Gavin, I know you're familiar with that board, you were going to do some guitar lesson crap in the musicians sub forum, right? I know a couple other people post there too. What are your opinions on that forum and on my original question?

this is a really long post...sorry everyone, haha. I am just in a pondering sort of mood right now

You hit the nail on the head. Bodom does draw a lot of youngins. Which is cool, they get into metal early, discover more and more bands, and as they mature physically, they can mature in music too (thats EXACTLY what i did). And hopefully the younger crowd will pick up a guitar and start learning that too. It made me get off of my ass and start practicing more.

It's the melodies, which have an almost "kiddie" sound to some of them. Catchy melodies you'd hear on Video games, and stuff like that.

(or maybe im just an idiot)
no way bob, thats what i thought of when i heard them i thought of like mega man games or like castlevania games or like chrono trigger and final fantasy. thats one of the biggest reasons why i liked them cause of the catchy melodies, the double bass and riffs.
the vocals where the only thing alot of people have a hard time dealing with. but if you good music the vocals shouldnt make a fucking difference (thats one of my biggest pet peeves).

quik story: a few of my freinds like metal (well at the time it was the "heaviest thing we listened to at the time") bands like slipknot, mudvayne, tool, metallica, a copule of local bands etc. i eventually found bodom, iced earth, carnal forge, dimmu, emperor and mythic force (i found most of those om when it was free) so i started d/l ing them and eventually bought all there cds ( most of the bands anyways) and i tried getting them to listen to anyone of those bands and there like *wtf is this shit? you cant even hear them sing* i was like you guys listen to fuckin deicide and cannibal corpse. they were like black metal is gay because its all satanic and shit (the person saying that had on a deicide shirt) and i was thinking, wow your a true moron. i was like just listen to 1 song, 1 song and ill be happy. what was the out come? they all listen to HIM and slipknot still with a slice of empeor and dimmu. i was like ehh u like emperor now and there like ya dude there awsome. lets just say i really dont talk to them anymore about music.
sorry for rambling but thats probably some of the things people will end up doing if they like nu metal stuff or whatever.
hmm....i don't think most people will agree with this....
its merely my opinion
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It's a piece of shit, I admit. Don't waste your time reading it, really.

Esp. here in Finland COB seems to be the first metal band (with growling vocals) many non-metal people get into. I agree with what bobvex said about maturing in music; most people seem to grow quickly out of COB and find more underground/harder-to-get-into bands. Too bad the immature fans seem to, understandably of course, kill all interesting discussion.

It's a shame bands like COB actually get a bad reputation because of their fans. Call me a poser but I haven't had the courage to wear a COB shirt since 2000 or so because I'm afraid of getting labelled as "one of them" ;)
I joined that board a while back thinking it was the only COB board, but when I seen the type of discussion going on in there I couldn't be arsed posting in it :erk:

It resembled a messageboard my sister is part of ie The Rasmus o_O

Its just full of Goffs who think their badass, anyway I think it sucks they are wrecking COB's rep but what can you do *sigh*
Thanatopsis said:
no, you're right, some of bodom is catchy. I also have a feeling that the younger generations have some feeling that they are superior to those above them. An "anti-authority" or "anti-establishment" type of mindset. It seems to me that Bodom, or hardcore, or rap with trash lyrics makes them feel better about themselves or somehow more powerful. They think they're being "bad" or something. Its the stereotype from any high school show or movie, the cool kids are smarter than their teachers, or the younger kids outdo their parents. In my opinion, that only shows immaturity. Its the same with being a "goth" they want to be different in a way that makes others seem less than they are. Not that all or any goths are or try to be, but I am talking about those British kids, Shadow Mercy etc. Punk bands that are political, and youth that think they're an "uprising" or some kind of "smarter generation" are in my mind the most blind and most stupid of all. In the past few centuries, things have moved from trying to appear older and more mature "white wigs" etc, to youth being the advertised and desired state of being. Reputation and wisdom no longer hold any meaning in life, making money quickly and being envied are the idols of our time. If people admire and listen to Bodom for their music, as I believe many and probably most do, then that is fine and dandy, but I can't believe so many people think that they're better or understand life better than those older than them.

What are you, 60 years old or something ?

I think the SOB board is ok, but every now and then you see some post/threads by people (perhaps young people) about really useless stuff, but who cares. Just read the good stuff
haha, So, does Texd have a ninja metal band? because if he doesn't have any backup, the Battleheart Pirate Crew would pwn his ass with ease, but if he does have a ninja clan at his would be an interesting battle...
i have never heard of them. i am loving this country by the way. I am away from people...and its lovely. And the drivers are so much nicer!!! I can't wait to go to Scotland. I really want to see Nightwish in Glasgow, ill be there that night, but i don't know if i can go...probably not
If you see a guy in a battleheart shirt, that'll be me...

If you want, i'll give you my phone number so you can shoot me a call before you leave...

My friends and i'll be outside the venue from about 5ish...