Gun control question's always been difficult because a gun is unarguably a tool for killing things. It doesn't really have any other practical use. If you have a gun, it's either because A) you're some sort of douchebag "collector" who wants to make up for your inability to achieve an erection B) in the course of your life, you may actually be in a situation where you need to kill or wound something. I'm far more sympathetic to the possibility of the latter.
We don't need to keep guns out of people's hands, we need to keep them out of stupid people's hands, and their children. The best way to do that is to make people not stupid anymore. Require gun owners and their families to take a gun safety course from a licensed professional, so they know wtf they're doing. If someone wants a gun bad enough, they'll get it no matter what the law says, we all know this. What the government should be doing is making sure they don't do something horrifically fucking stupid with that gun.