US flag burning amendment getting closer.

I don't condone flag burning, but fuck the amendment in the ass. Hiding suppression of dissent behind a veil of patriotism and 9/11 exploitation is as un-American as tossing books in a furnace. Speaking of, only a matter of time before the most insidious parts of the Patriot Act become permanent...
"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the World Trade Center," said Republican Randy Cunningham, a Californian congressman.

"Ask them and they will tell you - pass this amendment"

Holy shit, that's just sickening. Seriously, every day I read the news and get slightly more depressed as American tramps into a new dark age :(

Survey says we're all fucked
CNN | Submitted by: BARBELlTH
"The chance of an attack with a weapon of mass destruction somewhere in the world in the next 10 years runs as high as 70 percent, arms experts have predicted in a U.S. survey." ... "The most likely scenario for a nuclear attack would be for terrorists to use a weapon they made themselves with material acquired on the black market, the survey said." ... "Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are designed to kill large number of people, using either nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological means."
Sounds like a load of shit to me, said in order to turn people into unquestioning, loyal dumbards.
hmmm, correct me if i'm wrong, but the law they're trying to pass only *allows* states to make laws banning flag burning and doesn't actually criminalize it per se?
Them shitz:
Proposed Anti-Flag Burning Amendment
The Congress and the States shall have Power to Prohibit the Physical Desecration of the Flag of the United States.
i have a flag on my house. i should also be able to burn the damn thing whenever i feel like it. i remember back in the 80s when republican was synonymous with "less government". although, interestingly, at the time, that meant spending as much money as physically possible, but when did the republicans start doing sill shit like this? about the same time they realized a large voter-turnout in the "christian right"? i HATE politicians.

did anyone see rumsfucker on Meet the Press this morning? did the man actually answer a single question?
The Supreme Court today ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses for private economic development. Susette Kelo and several other homeowners in a working-class neighborhood in New London, Connecticut, filed suit after city officials announced plans to raze their homes for a riverfront hotel, health club and offices.

I am going to FREAK THE FUCK OUT!
Doomcifer said:
The Supreme Court today ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses for private economic development. Susette Kelo and several other homeowners in a working-class neighborhood in New London, Connecticut, filed suit after city officials announced plans to raze their homes for a riverfront hotel, health club and offices.

Yeah, that's pretty scary. Basically it means "If your home resides on attractive real estate, we have the right to take it from you to build something that will bring in revenues for the city, county, and state."
J. said:
Yeah, that's pretty scary. Basically it means "If your home resides on attractive real estate, we have the right to take it from you to build something that will bring in revenues for the city, county, and state."

Exactly. And you know that all that has to happen is for the corporations to pad the pockets of the officials for it to be easily approved. This is just pure bullshit. For what? More shitty Wal-Marts, etc?!
Dear Friend,

It was a humid Maryland afternoon when I arrived at the Game and Fishing Club where my boys are spending this week in scout camp. The short walk from the field where I parked my car to the central lawn where the evening program was to take place sufficed to have my shirt sticking to my body. I almost envied those fathers tramping about the grounds in the uniforms of Boy Scout and Cub Scout leaders. But only for a minute. A surprising number of them actually wore twice the amount of fabric I had on, to cover their expansive midriffs.

We all had come for one purpose: to burn the American flag. And listen to our offspring’s thespian abilities, or lack thereof, shine through in inane skits performed by their dens. In the center of the lawn, a suitable pyre had been prepared for the former activity.

As you may know, the only appropriate way to dispose of an American flag is to burn it in a proper Flag Retirement Ceremony. This year, a giant flag was slated for incineration - if you happen to watch the Baltimore Orioles on television, you may have seen it decorating the front of a high-rise in the background. A flag so big it took over 50 scouts to carry and unfold it.

A flag this large requires that it be cut into segments, one being the blue field with the stars, which - like the Union itself - cannot be further subdivided. The resulting quarters are then draped over aluminum poles and gently eased on top of the bonfire, which by then was roaring up into the haze.

The casual or foreign observer may be tempted to smirk at the apparent hokiness of the ritual, the occasional off-key squawk of the bugler, or the pale, knobby knees of the men and women in khaki shorts and tan uniform shirts. But what gets me time and time again is the eerie quiet in which this process unfolds. When two hundred boys, sweaty, dirty, exhausted from a day of shooting, fishing, and sports stand in absolute silence, two fingers at their forehead in the Boy Scout salute.

There are boys from every kind of family and ethnic background. White, whiter, black, Indian, Asian. Among the parents, you see anything from dark-burned roofers’ necks and torn T-shirts to designer shirts and ties. They’re here because they want to be. Their boys are in Scouts not because a state has compelled them to join, but because they’ve voluntarily chosen to be here.

Whoever is looking for a glimpse of America’s true commitment to its core values can find it in places and on occasions like this. These boys are the future.

And I like what I see.