The seven tongues of god

...It's good to see that at you are all supporting the 'intelligent-metalhead' ideal.

...I mean, you people simply just don't live out the heavy-meatl cliche of being drunk and stupid... you're really top-class.

Has anyone been drunk with ouzo? If not gimme your address to send you a bottle for it is incredible. It is what caused a simple ordinary man to become TRUE LIGHT!:lol:

Enitharmon I guess u know what I am talking about!

OUZO is the true light at the end of the tunel!:heh:

:rock:STAY METAL:rock:
OYZO12 is shit, compared to what I can give you!
Come my children, gather and let the oyzo drinking proccess begin.
Btw did you like it?

:rock:STAY METAL:rock:
NoLordy recommends 211 Steel Reserve... cheap, twice the alkiehol, twice the can (24 oz. US)
Not harsh, will FUCK YOU UP. :)