The Sham Mirrors & La Masquerade Infernale


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
I think those albums are absolutely amazing.
The music and the ambient they create are great.
This is the opinion of a guy who doesn't really enjoy black metal so the first Arcturus album is not my favorite.
what do you like about this albums?
or what do you dislike about them?
from "La masquerade..." I like the voice. It changes a lot. from deep and gloomy to screechy mixed with screams.
and from "The Sham..." I like the way keyboards don't get all the action,they just set up the tone for the instruments to play along and how every instrument has their own tempo and moment during the songs.
I feel really late to the game here with getting The Sham Mirrors only today, but all I can say AFTER ONE LISTEN is that this is EASILY in my top five albums of this year so far.

Simply put: 10/10.
Originally posted by JayKeeley
I feel really late to the game here with getting The Sham Mirrors only today, but all I can say AFTER ONE LISTEN is that this is EASILY in my top five albums of this year so far.

Simply put: 10/10.
Great review.
The Sham Mirrors is the best album Ive heard in a long, long time. There are so many things about the album that I love. Every single song is absolutely amazing. I love how there are "songs" within songs. I love Garm's vocals. I love the atmosphere the keyboards create. I love Ihsahn's guest appearance on Radical's probably the best song on the album. Everything in the album is perfect. It grows on you SO MUCH IT IS SICK. For real...without a doubt the best album so far in 2002, in my opinion that is...

Simply mindblowing.
The great Arcturus merit it is to create albums, wich surprise you each 10 seconds. I don`t care if it is more or less metal.
Originally posted by MadTinus
La Masquerade Infernale never managed to capture me somehow... Just can't discover what's so great about it...

Aspera... and The Sham Mirrors are great though.

For a long time I couldn't stand LMI, then at some point it just clicked. Aspera Heims Symphonia is one of the best traditional black metal albums of all time, though. at first I liked sham mirrors, but as I look back on it, it seems like the least impressive component of their discography. When I think Arcturus, I think innovation and quality. While the quality might be here, I just don't feel they contributed anything terribly original.
LMI is by far my favorite Arcturus album and my favorite album out of norway in years.I love the way he manages his voice there
and after that album is hard to innovate and go further because LMI explores it all in depth.The Sham Mirrors is like a not so strong second part yet it's great
as for Aspera...I like all the keyboards and some songs but the album as a whole is not my cup of tea
The Sham Mirror's is a great cd, Garm sounds amazing, the only criticism I have is I think it should have been somewhat longer. It seems like it's over all too soon!