The Simplicity of it all.......


Aug 13, 2011
Hey guys, we all know there will always by a degree of debate surrounding Anthrax, Joey vs John, Thrash vs versatility and all that. Well my son is 12 years old and we were listening to "This is not an Exit" on the way to school, he likes the old and new stuff, much like his old man :D. For some reason he hadn't got around to hearing this song before, so I said to him "who do you think this is?" He replies, "Anthrax!". I said "How did you know?" He replies, "It sounds Like Anthrax!!" Ahhhh, the simplicity of it all, a kids mind unpoluted by the ways of the world.......:)
Hey guys, we all know there will always by a degree of debate surrounding Anthrax, Joey vs John, Thrash vs versatility and all that. Well my son is 12 years old and we were listening to "This is not an Exit" on the way to school, he likes the old and new stuff, much like his old man :D. For some reason he hadn't got around to hearing this song before, so I said to him "who do you think this is?" He replies, "Anthrax!". I said "How did you know?" He replies, "It sounds Like Anthrax!!" Ahhhh, the simplicity of it all, a kids mind unpoluted by the ways of the world.......:)

Yer kid is made of win. :kickass:
Kids are usually smarter than most adults I know. Of course I work around a bunch of idiots so...
Now try putting on "Among The Living" (the song) then put on "Safe Home" and see if he still says both sound like Anthrax.

Put on "A.I.R." and then put on "Black Lodge" and see if he still says they both sound the same.

Put on "Be All, End All" then put on "A Toast To Extras" and see what he has to say.

I get you are trying to make a point that despite who is singing it is still all just 'anthrax'

But the reality is the two eras are almost completely different in style. The first 4 Anthrax albums sound completely different than the last 4 Anthrax albums. Very little similarities. If Stomp, Volume 8, and WCFYA didn't have the name 'Anthrax' on the cover and I had never heard anything from them after POT I would never know it was the same band.
Hey guys, we all know there will always by a degree of debate surrounding Anthrax, Joey vs John, Thrash vs versatility and all that. Well my son is 12 years old and we were listening to "This is not an Exit" on the way to school, he likes the old and new stuff, much like his old man :D. For some reason he hadn't got around to hearing this song before, so I said to him "who do you think this is?" He replies, "Anthrax!". I said "How did you know?" He replies, "It sounds Like Anthrax!!" Ahhhh, the simplicity of it all, a kids mind unpoluted by the ways of the world.......:)

Congrats, sounds like your doing a great job raising your kid:kickass:
Now try putting on "Among The Living" (the song) then put on "Safe Home" and see if he still says both sound like Anthrax.

Put on "A.I.R." and then put on "Black Lodge" and see if he still says they both sound the same.

Put on "Be All, End All" then put on "A Toast To Extras" and see what he has to say.

I get you are trying to make a point that despite who is singing it is still all just 'anthrax'

But the reality is the two eras are almost completely different in style. The first 4 Anthrax albums sound completely different than the last 4 Anthrax albums. Very little similarities. If Stomp, Volume 8, and WCFYA didn't have the name 'Anthrax' on the cover and I had never heard anything from them after POT I would never know it was the same band.

Putting are Thrash song against a slow song is a bit extreme, of course there is a difference, but let's play it your way, does Medusa sound like Discharge? Does Madhouse sound like Gridlock? If you never heard the band before would you say it's the same band, don't worry, since you are so predictable you would say, wait it's Joey. As you say, Joey was way more agressive on POT.

I didn't play him the ballads, it was in reference to TINAE. You accuse others of twisting things, you are the master of it. I tell a cute story about my son and you do it again.
Yikes, 10 years old on 9/11. I really hope he doesn't let the "OTHER" events on that day spoil what should be a good day for him.

He was born as the planes were impacting pretty much. So I'll be thinking about all those connected with those lost. He's a bit young yet to have something like that spoil a 10th Birthday Party. Thanks for the concern.:wave: