It`s the funky shortz.....DUDE!


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2005
All this BS.

Bush vs Belladona.

Original line up, WHATEVER!

It`s all missing the point! The reason for Anthrax`s big early success was THE FUNKY SHORTZ!

Thats why I got into Anthrax in the 1st place. Back in the ATL days all heavy metal seemed like devil worship. All the bands trying so hard to look.....HARD. Anthrax`s attitude was refreshing.

"5 guys in shorts, who gives a shit,
We do what we like, we don`t care where we fit"
HAHAHAH. The Shorts were pretty cool. check out the CD booklet for State Of Eurphoria to see the shortest denim shorts a man could possibly wear on Frank Bello. LOL.
funky shorts or funk in the shorts :grin:

takinwolfrider - you're right they loosened things up and had fun and played way heavier than some wimpy bands trying to be metal.