Mr Wu: your opinion on Sharon´s EGGFEST

See, thats why I'm wondering...

Randy Rhodes has been dead for more than a 1/4 of a century... And although I would hesitate to attend a show where Ozzy has stolen his corps and put it on display, I'll admit:

It would be a notch above biting a bat...
See, thats why I'm wondering...

Randy Rhodes has been dead for more than a 1/4 of a century... And although I would hesitate to attend a show where Ozzy has stolen his corps and put it on display, I'll admit:

It would be a notch above biting a bat...

I am a huge Maiden fan and while I agree with Bruce's opinions on Americans consuming mass quantities of garbage media like reality television programs, I thought it was a little sad of him to go onstage and insult his host every night onstage. Bruce has always been outspoken and I find that a plus for any person , I just thought he could have been a bit more tactful and grateful to Ozzy for the exposure Maiden got in America thanks to the festival .

Now onto Sharon and Kelly; I can see how listening every night to a man they let onto their tour bash their family's work every night ( The Osbournes), would piss them off, but they should have confronted Bruce backstage. You don't alienate and divide your audience by sabotaging the second biggest act on the bills' set. Both parties acted like children.

Ok, are we sure this wasn't just a media stunt? I mean, they did wait for the last night Maiden was on the tour to do what they did, and while that may have been to prevent retaliation or uncomfortable touring situations, it also does seem a little WWE to me. The fact that we are still writing about this a year after it happened would confirm that it was a success if infact it was a media stunt.

Well Said.
Isn't Ozzy working on a new record as we speak? I heard he was. Probably gonna suck pretty hard if I had to make a guess before hearing it.

I guess it is only fair to not charge people to come to Ozzfest considering it's not really worth paying money to hear Ozzy try to sing these days.
Be that as it may, his last couple of records hasn't been "the big WOOP" in my opinion...

Face it, the guy was great in Sabbath, good with Randy, but only half way decent at best since then... (for instance: no more tears have much to thank Lemmy from Mötorhead for...)

here's a link conserning his new albumS(!!!)

(I'm not holding my breath, though...)
Have you heard it?

Yes I have, and I absolutely hate how Bruce butcher's the chorus. That's why I said that it's bullshit to say that Bruce w/ Godspeed owns Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. To me it's 1. Original, 2. Anthrax, then the rest. Sorry it took me six years to answer!

That's the only fucking way to enter into and to continue a discussion.

Damn right it is! :lol:
Yes I have, and I absolutely hate how Bruce butcher's the chorus. That's why I said that it's bullshit to say that Bruce w/ Godspeed owns Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. To me it's 1. Original, 2. Anthrax, then the rest. Sorry it took me six years to answer!

Damn right it is! :lol:

Jeeeez man... like a week ago, I was about to check Nativity In Black tribute CD which I hadn't heard for years...I didn't do it, have to.
I still think Bruce's version is pretty fucking good.