"Failed solo career?" While "Tyranny of Souls" easily outsurpasses COC's "In The Arms of God" as best album of the year so far (which shouldn't be an easy thing to do, given the high quality of ITAOG)? And what has Ozzy's solo career done lately? Never mind that, what has Sabbath done compared to Maiden lately? Sabbath may have laid the groundwork for metal, but Maiden took it to the next level, but then keptmoving forward still.
Mr. Wu is right, of course, if one band has a problem with another, let management handle it, don't air it in public...though Mr. Wu, at some point the public would like to know what the fuck is really happening with John, is he on hiatus, is he out, is it all dependant on how the reunion tour does? Can management at least give us a hint? ( long does it take any thread these days to come back to that topic..)
Back to the original topic, let's see Bruce do a parrallel of Ozzfest by alternating a year of touring with Maiden and a year of touring his solo stuff...I'll bet he won't be afraid to include acts that might actually upstagehim...shit, they could call it "Dickfest" and it would probably still outdraw Ozzfest
Mr. Wu is right, of course, if one band has a problem with another, let management handle it, don't air it in public...though Mr. Wu, at some point the public would like to know what the fuck is really happening with John, is he on hiatus, is he out, is it all dependant on how the reunion tour does? Can management at least give us a hint? ( long does it take any thread these days to come back to that topic..)
Back to the original topic, let's see Bruce do a parrallel of Ozzfest by alternating a year of touring with Maiden and a year of touring his solo stuff...I'll bet he won't be afraid to include acts that might actually upstagehim...shit, they could call it "Dickfest" and it would probably still outdraw Ozzfest