Mr Wu: your opinion on Sharon´s EGGFEST

"Failed solo career?" While "Tyranny of Souls" easily outsurpasses COC's "In The Arms of God" as best album of the year so far (which shouldn't be an easy thing to do, given the high quality of ITAOG)? And what has Ozzy's solo career done lately? Never mind that, what has Sabbath done compared to Maiden lately? Sabbath may have laid the groundwork for metal, but Maiden took it to the next level, but then keptmoving forward still.

Mr. Wu is right, of course, if one band has a problem with another, let management handle it, don't air it in public...though Mr. Wu, at some point the public would like to know what the fuck is really happening with John, is he on hiatus, is he out, is it all dependant on how the reunion tour does? Can management at least give us a hint? ( long does it take any thread these days to come back to that topic..)

Back to the original topic, let's see Bruce do a parrallel of Ozzfest by alternating a year of touring with Maiden and a year of touring his solo stuff...I'll bet he won't be afraid to include acts that might actually upstagehim...shit, they could call it "Dickfest" and it would probably still outdraw Ozzfest :lol:
DeathsHead said:
The problem is that Sharon is management

Yup. :Smug:

But she and the rest of the Ozzfest staff and Bruce and Maidens managment could have handled it better by NOT waiting until Maidens last gig and by throwing things at the band and letting an inbreed chimp onstage. They should have TALKED about it early.
jdelpi said:
Joey owns them both with Anthrax!

Yes, Anthrax version is the best, then Dickinson a close second....and then Black Sabbath, then nothing..............and deep down was when they played it live six years ago, reunion tour. Ozzy sucked bad singing this one, so I was lucky that they skipped it this year!
I never heard Dickinson's versrion but I definately like the Sabbath version better than the Thrax one...
That's the only fucking way to enter into and to continue a discussion.Do you mind, at least, giving out your educated opinion - why that was bullshit?

The statement revolved around B.Dickinson w/ Godspeed's cover of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, and both DarrellDethSDMF and johnnieCzech simply presed the Quote-button...

So heres my 2 c.:

-Dickinson/Godspeed's cover rule, almost better than the original...

-Cutting the power and staging egging's = unprofessional, so Sharon should NOT comment on anyones career/professionalism/anything...

-Sharon's the metal-equivalence of Don King: a F*cking c*nt that should never been allowed into the "game", and only serves to ruin something REALLY great...
Sharon is supposed to be a pillar in the metal and music industry. Pillars don't behave in that manner. Whether or not Bruce was behaving like a child does not justify her behavior. It just reinforces the fact that Sharon is Ozzy's puppetmaster and that she is an overpriveledged brat.
When I interviewed Neil Turbin last year..he discussed the Sharon "Egg Fest"... more people need to stand up and be truthful with their views...

here's a part of the interview from on 4/28/06:

Steve Saks: Name a favorite concert you've been to recently ?

Neil Turbin: Last year I went to a lot of great shows, but probably one of the best was Iron Maiden at OzzFest . Because Maiden withstood all of that bullshit that Sharon Osbourne pulled. It was a disgusting display, I don’t have anything to prove and I have no one’s ass to kiss and I’m not afraid of her money or nothing. I mean I respect Ozzy and I think Sharon is a shrewd business person...Let’s not confuse that, she’s a very sharp lady...But I think it was disgusting to treat people like order people to throw eggs.

Steve Saks: How many eggs did they throw at Iron Maiden?

Neil Turbin: Like they had a fucking hen house out in back. They kept hitting Bruce Dickinson, they kept hitting Jannick Gers, they kept hitting Nicko McBrain, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith & Steve Harris. They were all being pelted.

They impressed me with their professionalism. They would have played if those were bullets instead of eggs. They would have kept playing. I mean these guys had that look on their faces like they were fucking marching for the Queen of England. There was nobody that was gonna stand in their way. I just respect them deeply for that. Most human beings would have folded, they would have got mad, they would have reacted...These guys didn’t even break a sweat, They didn’t break stride. What ever Bruce Dickinson said or done to Sharon Osbourne???doesn’t ***rant this...She showed how low of the person she was disgusting.

Very cool way to put it... he definitely holds no punches..Cheers Neil!
Why has this thread been dug up?

Because it was such a big deal back then, and because us fans still give a sh*t, it still is...

Questions of interest:
-how has this affected the OzzFest in general..?
-Have bands boycotted ozzfest due to this..?
-Will Ozzy/Blc.Sbt. ever come out with a new album, or were there merit to Dickinson's statements..? (re = reality show etc etc...)

so now you know... :Smokin:
I am a huge Maiden fan and while I agree with Bruce's opinions on Americans consuming mass quantities of garbage media like reality television programs, I thought it was a little sad of him to go onstage and insult his host every night onstage. Bruce has always been outspoken and I find that a plus for any person , I just thought he could have been a bit more tactful and grateful to Ozzy for the exposure Maiden got in America thanks to the festival .

Now onto Sharon and Kelly; I can see how listening every night to a man they let onto their tour bash their family's work every night ( The Osbournes), would piss them off, but they should have confronted Bruce backstage. You don't alienate and divide your audience by sabotaging the second biggest act on the bills' set. Both parties acted like children.

Ok, are we sure this wasn't just a media stunt? I mean, they did wait for the last night Maiden was on the tour to do what they did, and while that may have been to prevent retaliation or uncomfortable touring situations, it also does seem a little WWE to me. The fact that we are still writing about this a year after it happened would confirm that it was a success if infact it was a media stunt.
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Good Q, dude...

Have anyone seen "the Osbournes" make a deal out, big or small..?
'Cuz that seems to be the most obvious media-arena to milk this...

(though I personally doubt I.M. would do such a thing...)
I am a huge Maiden fan and while I agree with Bruce's opinions on Americans consuming mass quantities of garbage media like reality television programs, I thought it was a little sad of him to go onstage and insult his host every night onstage. Bruce has always been outspoken and I find that a plus for any person , I just thought he could have been a bit more tactful and grateful to Ozzy for the exposure Maiden got in America thanks to the festival .

Now onto Sharon and Kelly; I can see how listening every night to a man they let onto their tour bash their family's work every night ( The Osbournes), would piss them off, but they should have confronted Bruce backstage. You don't alienate and divide your audience by sabotaging the second biggest act on the bills' set. Both parties acted like children.

Ok, are we sure this wasn't just a media stunt? I mean, they did wait for the last night Maiden was on the tour to do what they did, and while that may have been to prevent retaliation or uncomfortable touring situations, it also does seem a little WWE to me. The fact that we are still writing about this a year after it happened would confirm that it was a success if infact it was a media stunt.

Dude i was there and Maiden never gave up!!!, i will never go to ozzfest ever, or any ozzy shows unless randy is playing guitar.
After the incident BLS was playing the HOB here in San Diego, about over 50 persons showed up with iron maiden shirts and gave Zakk a hard time in the front, a couple of people i know organized the Maiden revenge, no eggs here but Zakk was pissed.