The Sin: Decay - Rehabilitation
Nailboard Records - Board016 - 26 February 2007
By Paddy Walsh
Falling somewhere between the mechanical stomp of Rammstein, Passage-era Samael and dancefloor-friendly goth such as VNV Nation, The Sin: Decay offer 6 tracks of industrial-tinged goth rock. The ever-looming shadow of Sisters of Mercy is of course writ large upon the band's thudding anthems, and as is often the case with these groups they tread a fine line between bleak atmosphere and syrupy synths - the latter can often be more a hindrance than a helper. The Sin: Decay rarely fall prey to this, however, as the guitars are mostly all-pervasive in the mix and, being rather riff-based and chunky, are quite satisfying.
The main stickler for Rehabilitation is its initial half. Opening duo 'We Are Slaves' and 'Deathlike Addiction' are almost indistinguishable, following a Samael-esque blueprint with irritating tinkling synths and a bored-sounding vocalist. It's when 'Celestial Revulsion' picks up the pace with it's jugular-grabbing thrust that these Finns show their potential, with the use of the synths around some quite thrashy guitarwork holding up very well and weaving a darkly oppressive atmosphere. Closer 'C7618K76' is also a winner, the crackling noise and thudding drums betraying nods to early Nine Inch Nails, whilst the vocals, wrapped in effects, eerily slither along beneath. Rehabilitation is therefore something of a mixed bag - The Sin: Decay seem a little unsure whether they want to fill goth club dancefloors or beat us to the ground with industrial noise. More consistent future releases will pay dividends, but Rehabilitation at least isn't an excercise in the cheese that so many of its bedfellows in the strange and murky world of industrial goth so clearly are.
Official The Sin: Decay MySpace
Official Nailboard Records Website
Nailboard Records - Board016 - 26 February 2007
By Paddy Walsh

Falling somewhere between the mechanical stomp of Rammstein, Passage-era Samael and dancefloor-friendly goth such as VNV Nation, The Sin: Decay offer 6 tracks of industrial-tinged goth rock. The ever-looming shadow of Sisters of Mercy is of course writ large upon the band's thudding anthems, and as is often the case with these groups they tread a fine line between bleak atmosphere and syrupy synths - the latter can often be more a hindrance than a helper. The Sin: Decay rarely fall prey to this, however, as the guitars are mostly all-pervasive in the mix and, being rather riff-based and chunky, are quite satisfying.
The main stickler for Rehabilitation is its initial half. Opening duo 'We Are Slaves' and 'Deathlike Addiction' are almost indistinguishable, following a Samael-esque blueprint with irritating tinkling synths and a bored-sounding vocalist. It's when 'Celestial Revulsion' picks up the pace with it's jugular-grabbing thrust that these Finns show their potential, with the use of the synths around some quite thrashy guitarwork holding up very well and weaving a darkly oppressive atmosphere. Closer 'C7618K76' is also a winner, the crackling noise and thudding drums betraying nods to early Nine Inch Nails, whilst the vocals, wrapped in effects, eerily slither along beneath. Rehabilitation is therefore something of a mixed bag - The Sin: Decay seem a little unsure whether they want to fill goth club dancefloors or beat us to the ground with industrial noise. More consistent future releases will pay dividends, but Rehabilitation at least isn't an excercise in the cheese that so many of its bedfellows in the strange and murky world of industrial goth so clearly are.
Official The Sin: Decay MySpace
Official Nailboard Records Website