The Sinister Minister has arrived 665.5!!!

The Minister

New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2005
Greetings My Zombies!! Yes its True The Minister ( He's a minister and he's sinister!!) has got his arse into gear and is finally hear!!! Hi to all of you who already know me and rather than a long winded introduction to my wonderfully warped world lets just let the METAL do the talking!!
Nevermore..Godless endevour, The Wizards are back in the House.
The Black Dahlia Murder..Miasma, Long live At The Gates!!!
Darkane..Layers of Lies,Cyber Thrashers Delliver the goods!!
Linear Sphere...Debut,Extreme Progressive master work ( And from the U.K!!)
Hate Eternal..I Monarch, We are not worthy!!

This is my first post and so i will need some time to learn my way around,But my friends be sure to expect some crazy shenanigans in the weeks to follow.

And Remember...Never take a gift Horse from behind!!

May the lord look Sideways.

The Sinister Minister 665.5
Jax said:
Welcome to Ultimate Metal :)
Your welcome is a comfort!!
How do i get a picture on my posts Jax!!
What are you listening to at the moment and can i buy you dinner??
All my Luv
The Sinister Minister
tedvanfrehley said:
Hey! Be sure and say hello to us in the Old School forum! You sound like a crazy s.o.b! (and i mean that in the best possible way!) Say, man...what about the Van Halen?!?!?

Greetings and thanks for the reply! havnt had that many everyones to scared
my reputation preceeds me!!
Firstly my Old School Buddie, The Halen Rock saw them for the first time Supporting some Underground unknown bunch!! Black sabbathi think it was 73
and Eddie Ripped me a new ass!! Tonny iommi Wiped it!! only kidding he also rocks.( Check out his new Album Fused with Glen Hughes Awsome!! )
Although i am of many years ( 665.5 to be exact!) my current reincarnation sees me listening to more of the more extreme modern Metal.I am a big Death Thrash fan and am listenig to a lot of stuff from sweeden poland and Finland.
But saying that in a previous life i was one Ted Nugent shot Guns!!
I was concieved on the back of a 1 legged Tractor while my mother ( Who was a bearded lady in an Irish Flea circus!!)was having a one night stand with German Doctor ( Dr Hacknsaw M.D ) who turned out to be a child serial killer. Then i was adopted by Mexican Barn Owl and lived for 1oo years convinced i was a TWIT!! if you get my gist.
Anyway i could talk for ages. Great to hear from you will catch up in the Old School Forum ( if i dont get band First)
Luv and Respect
The Sinister Minister