The snow will not end!!!! My dogs love it!


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
So, it's been snowing since late last night - here it is 14 hours later, we have over 2 feet of snow, probably more, and it just keeps snowing over my little corner of Connecticut.

On a good note, my dogs are loving it - they have been outside so many times today - the just sit over at the door waiting to go out. You would think that little dogs would hate deep snow, but for some reason, Pekingese love snow. We do have to snow blow them an area to run around in however.

Mattie & Willow in the snow:


OK - here they were when they were romping around outside, but the actions shots blurred :( I had my camera on the wrong setting (I should brobably read the manual).


I've had three Pekingese over the past 18 years and while you would think that little dogs would hate the snow, they go crazy out in it. I snow blowed a little race track in the back yard and they chased each other around for about three hours today while I was clearing out all the snow, 27 inches last measure (our house is at about 850 feet above sea level so we get so much more snow than down in the valleys).