The Winery Dogs (Kotzen, Portnoy, Sheehan)


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
I know we have quite a few people here that appreciate music outside of the modern heavy metal most commonly discussed in these forums - the "de rigueur" around here and as such enjoy other rock oriented music as much as they do metal.

With that knowledge I feel it hopefully worth noting that The Winery Dogs, the quasi super-group formed by Billy Sheehan, Mike Portnoy, and Richie Kotzen released their debut album this week and what an album it is. A true modern day power-trio playing music very much in the spirit of the great power-trios of years gone by.

The music on their self titled release will at times be reminiscent of the most rocking moments of Billy Sheehan and Richie Kotzens time together while in Mr. Big and for those familiar with the Richie's solo material (mostly outside his shred days - but certain songs on this album do have a little bit of what he was shooting for on Fever Dream - his first Shrapnel album with vocals) will hear his songwriting all over this release. Mike Portnoy is at his best since leaving Dream Theater - he's playing just the right parts for the stripped down rock vibe this band is shooting for.

Do yourself a favor and give it a listen and support the band if you like it - it's definitely my rock album of the year thus far.

As of Sunday July 29th, it was the #1 selling rock album on Amazon, the #4 overall album on Amazon, and #7 on iTunes. It's gotten nothing but incredible reviews from all over with rating it as the album of the week.

Most here know I'm extremely biased when it comes to Kotzen - I'm a verifiable fanboi when it comes to his music so you need to decide for yourself, I'm just glad he is getting the international praise he is - most notably for his vocal work on the album (those of us that have followed his solo career would have already known this and would not be in the almost universal camp that has been caught off guard by his capabilities not only with a guitar but also as a songwriter and vocalist).

Hope you like what they are doing ;)

A live one from a recent show down in Brazil:

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Not bad. Always like Sheehan and Kotzen. Too bad they brought Portnoy in for this. Not saying his drumming is bad, he's just such a fucking wank, lol
It's not bad... but for recent "supergroups" I'm digging Pinnick Gales Pridgen a lot more.

I like the PGP album quite a bit as well, but as I said I'm pretty much a fanboi of Kotzen so for me, I'm liking the WD album a bit more.
I've only listened twice but I like it. Richie has some decent pipes. Similar to Chris Cornell with less range.

I'd give it 7 out of 10.