the sound my cat makes in the morning

Jul 11, 2002
cat: meow-ra-meowra
mom: shhhhh..
cat: auuuj-meow-auuuu
mom: shutup!!
mom (slightly irritated): *feeds cat*
cat five minutes later: meow-ra-meowra-auuuj-meow-auuu!!!!

im new and i didnt know what to post, so, ta-da.

p.s. im alexifollower's girlfriend (the one getting her nose picked) if that means anything.
My brother's cats are crazy...they always go crazy when he goes into the kitchen. "FEEEEEEED US!!!!!" I love 'em.

I can flare my nostrils, too. I used to flare them when I got angry, but I don't know if I do that anymore. I am flaring them right now. Yes, welcome! :wave:
hello. Let me welcome you with a special treat

Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Oh the antena never went up, despite the appearance. It was merely wedged in there for a brief moment so icould take the picture. It didn't want to stay too well and slid out of my ass crack about 2 seconds after the picture was taken.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by BreathingIndigo
"NOT LIKING anime is as stupid as being CHRISTIAN. "

i resent that.
You will learn to resent many of Kush's statements. Personally, I think he's hilarious.

Just a tip, you may want to be careful of what you say about the "r" word (religion) around's a touchy subject that usually produces post after post of arguments, which ultimately lead nowhere and happen again and again. :D
Oh, well in that case...

You will learn to resent many of Kush's posts. He makes threads dedicated to hentai and underage anime girls getting their first periods. Personally, I think he's hilarious.