the strange world of quantum physics


Lo Pan!
Oct 6, 2005
sorry if this is in the wrong topic:

what do you guys think about quantum physics? can it explain a lot of the unexplainable. have you heard of messed up theories?

heres one i Heard the Other day: i was at a bar talking to some guy who studied science and quantum mechanics and he said that a theory is developing: that the earth is a dyson sphere surrounding a black hole.

for those that don't know. a dyson sphere is a habitat sphere built around a star, and takes it's energy from the star.

the reason he gave for this theory was that in WWII, when germans were developing their missle program. they would aim at their targets by measuring the outside surface of the earth. These missles missed their target everytime. Until they aimed as if they were on the inside of the earth and alas, they hit their targets.

and if earth really is a dyson sphere surrounding a black hole. the distortions would be so great, that we wouldn't know up from down anyway.

If you are an observer throwing and object into a black hole. you would see the object get sucked in and crushed almost instantly. but for the object itself - it would experience almost billions of years before getting crushed at the center.

but then again. we go in space and take pictures of the earth as a sphere where we live on. but really could space time distorrtions fools our eyes and tyechnology otherwise? i think this is a trippy thing to ponder.
I think quantum physics is a bit trippy indeed, but the part i got to know makes sense at least concerning the phenomena and the math.

But what you are talking about it not really quantum physics.
Still i find the idea interresting, that we could explain the world in a coherent model even if we use strange models like the earth being a hollow ball with us and the universe on the inside and we would just have to change all physics accordingly.

(Quantum physics is the thing about light being a particle and a wave at the same time and so on)
ranma187 said:
sorry if this is in the wrong topic:

what do you guys think about quantum physics? can it explain a lot of the unexplainable. have you heard of messed up theories?

heres one i Heard the Other day: i was at a bar talking to some guy who studied science and quantum mechanics and he said that a theory is developing: that the earth is a dyson sphere surrounding a black hole.

for those that don't know. a dyson sphere is a habitat sphere built around a star, and takes it's energy from the star.

the reason he gave for this theory was that in WWII, when germans were developing their missle program. they would aim at their targets by measuring the outside surface of the earth. These missles missed their target everytime. Until they aimed as if they were on the inside of the earth and alas, they hit their targets.

and if earth really is a dyson sphere surrounding a black hole. the distortions would be so great, that we wouldn't know up from down anyway.

If you are an observer throwing and object into a black hole. you would see the object get sucked in and crushed almost instantly. but for the object itself - it would experience almost billions of years before getting crushed at the center.

but then again. we go in space and take pictures of the earth as a sphere where we live on. but really could space time distorrtions fools our eyes and tyechnology otherwise? i think this is a trippy thing to ponder.

so - this teory is saying were being pulled into a black hole, and relative with other planets (the rest of the universe) were long gone?

interesting theory, but, the background for this theory was calculated by measurements taken of the "outside surface of the earth", in the 40s? im not sure how accurate such measurements could be, the earth is very dynamic.

lets assume the german data is correct, and the earth is in a dyson sphere. so, space and time are warped in this sphere, wouldnt these distortions be detected by orbiting space craft/earth bound detectors? (orbital calculations are much easier than those taken of the earths surface) by comparing the results from earth and the satellite, they could point a direction to the black hole, if it isnt in a hyperbolic plane or something.

but, that makes me think that this theory jumped the gun, because no such distortions have been found (or just not publicized).