The stupidest Movie remake idea of the decade.

a recreation of the karate kid movie is stupid...
I do not have a problem with will smith...
but why remake was in 1984....might as well remake every movie from 1984...
What a dumb ass idea....
WTF?!?!? Agreed with dumbass, this doesn't make any sense to me either. And it's, you know, stupid.
Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing that as a sequal.

No need for a sequal. Great movie, reminds my of my younger years:zombie::), 80's life-style, would not work in the present I think. Or... on second thought ... maybe it would with different characters fitting todays styles. O.k., it would. But I don´t need it, couldn´t be better than the original.
No need for a sequal. Great movie, reminds my of my younger years:zombie::), 80's life-style, would not work in the present I think. Or... on second thought ... maybe it would with different characters fitting todays styles. O.k., it would. But I don´t need it, couldn´t be better than the original.

You know somebody's gonna make this movie, they may as well do it right and get the original actors and show what became of them.
they seem to milk the dumbest things these days....
the remake of the original texas chainsaw was alrite but the second remake brutal but the movie was too quick....
and oviously a heap of shit
I hope they remake license to drive and get both Corey's to reprise their roles. Only this time they're grown up and trying to get their licenses re-instated after a few DWIs and drug related offences. I think that would be funny as shit.:kickass:
Or even better, re-do Stand By Me with the surviving actors pilgrimaging to the parking lot of the Viper room to find River Phoenix' body.