The terminally ill can deliver messages to your dead friend for $5 a word!

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
[font=arial, helvetica]"At you'll find something even sillier. This service says they'll pay terminally ill patients to memorize messages to deliver to your already-dead relatives in Heaven. Note: if they go to Hell — either the still-here or the not-here-anymore folks — there are no guarantees. Boiling brimstone has a way of getting your constant attention, I guess. And there's no guarantee of message delivery, either, though you pay $5 per word. Also, no recently bereaved, no under-18's, no mental incompetents, can subscribe (seems to me that the last restriction there would mean no customers!) and no telegrams are sent to anyone who's died less than one month ago. After all, these service-givers aren't crazy!"

At seen at James Randi's website. Check this shit out for a laugh. :)