The 'testing testing' thread is just a COVER !!!

We Finns want peace with you braindamagers. We are a peacefull nation and only use the testing testing thread to discuss on how to tend and care our beloved polar bears. Winter is coming and the bears now need extra care to keep their fur shiny and buffy. We need that thread to share usefull and essential information on the subject and we appeal to Strangeworld not to delete the thread. It is our life and joy to learn to treat the bears properly!
Also, there is no reason whatsoever for Clipsy, or anyone else to undress, since we mean no harm to you.

Take this message as a sign of the friendliness of our nation.
We do not plan world domination... :err:
Yes, all hail to thee, the Red Knight. Yet again hast thou been victorious.:eek:

Now, my Finnish brothers and sisters (actually there´s just one of each), let us go back to our harmless and innocent test thread and continue our plans on how to kill ... errr, how to reward the mighty Red Knight.:D :err:
Hey red knight...
Do you really believe what these two say? :err:
Just look at eddy's sig...
Are you satisfied with his peaceful message???

Join your forces with mine ,my dear ally, in budapest and we shall march to north...
Originally posted by godisanathiest
:lol: Its safe to say its never dull around here :loco:

Can I act as the UK reprasentative in the war that is no doubt bound to develop? :err: and I warn you I will fight to the death :err:

Why not??
Sail with your ships and wait us in a safety place where we all three can meet...
Arrrggghhh I can smell war & blood...
I don't really know you's,i'd offer my help but us Aussie are to busy fighting the Afghans to offer our help. Oh stuff it,i'm up for a trip to Finland even if it does involve killing people. count Australia in,i'll bring steve irwin and a few roos,mate.
godisanatheist: We will be watching you and examining, if you will be fit to join our ski troops against the barbaric hordes of the Turks and boy band members from Belgium! :mad: The battle shall take place in the hungarian plateaus and oh boy, shall we be ready. I´ve already taken my skis out and they are in the right condition to face the terrors of Hungarian grass lands.
Meet me in Prague! :err: We shall head to the south.
sniff, sniff,......



Very well, again I have been backstabbed. Thank you, my dear general Barbarian, supreme commander of the Turkish Imperial Troops, I will forever be grateful.

We shall wipe those Finnish traitors from the face of this earth. And again I ask myself why it should happen this way... again.

PS Note to rape the Hungarian women that make friends with the Finns.