The Trooper - UNMASKED?!?!?


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Just wanted to be the first to comment on THE TROOPER taking off the makeup for his avatar! This is big news. This is just like when my heroes Gene and Paul took off the makeup with Vincent and Co for a little gem called "Lick it Up!". Stop the presses!!!!!!! Ok Trooper, the question is now, "can you still ROCK without the makeup?" hahahaha

I never saw it coming. who are ya, Brad Pitt?
Ahhh what can I say? Photos were starting to leak to the press anyway, the magic & mystery of the makeup was gone! Plus, the music scene is changing and I thought I had to stay current and compete with all these hair bands now, I mean it is 1983 now! :lol: But don't worry, with or without the makeup I can still rock just as hard, in fact even harder now! Just wait till you hear the new record!

:lol: :lol: